Better than Jeeves - 8th @ APAC 2023

pouchsurfer 353

This is the deck @Functor and I brewed for APAC (a BIG chunk of the merit goes to them!). The deck felt strong and went 6-1 in Swiss, dropping round 2 in the top cut to me misplaying at a few crucial points and sebastiank playing his Arissana like the fantastic player he is.

Given the extremely short time to experiment with the new meta, we spruced up an "old" archetype with some of the new cards. Wage Workers is arguably better than Jeeves, and the delightful Tatu-Bola (possibly my favorite card in TAI) opens up some crazy lines when combining its swap ability on pass with Asa's trigger. As it became apparent on stream, I'm still pretty bad at firing said interactions :/

Playing 3x Wage Workers and 3x Seamless means we have several lines to never-advance a 4/2 (OffOff or Vitruvius with a counter) or even Ikawah Project. Scoring a Vitruvius with 2 counters sometimes feels like the best way to play around Maw and mitigate the runner trashing some of our most valuable [cards(/en/card/34033). Tatu-Bola on our scoring remote is golden. Some fun things you can do with Tatu:

  • When the runner runs your remote and you're on 2 you can still rez Tatu and swap it on pass to gain 4, install in the root with Asa on your Tranquility, and have 6, enough to rez the next Bran, Ansel, or Hagen.
  • use a Vitruvius counter to pull back a Skunk/Void they just pinholed and install it with your Asa trigger on swap (you can decide to use the counter after they break Tatu, int the same paid ability window, but remember to rez Tranq when you rez Tatu).
  • if the runner has enough resources to get in, overinstall your agenda with a Spin Doctor to deny the score and rescue it.

This was my first achievement in a competitive event, and it was totally worth the all-nighter. Huge thanks to Lucas/@Functor for coming up with these decks and testing them with me, to @DeeR and @Sanjay for coaching me through the end of Swiss and the top cut, and to the whole Philly/Boswash meta for being so supportive and jam-packed with some of the loveliest people on earth. APAC was a blast, a big thanks to the organizers and to everyone that played in it. I'm excited to explore more lines with this deck, and more decks within this new meta!