Maya Lock v1.0

obscurica 1318

Jesminder control deck, attacking corp strategies on three fronts.

Ice layout: Escher rearrangements maximizes Femme Fatale and Study Guide's utility, allowing high-efficiency breakthroughs versus even multi-ICE servers. Single-ICE servers are vulnerable to Femme Fatale abuse.

Economy: Account Siphon with Jesminder's ability is actually abusive. Can swing a game extremely hard.

Maya/Equivocation: R&D lock. If you know what they want, chances are they'll never get it.

The Turning Wheel, Data Breach, and Maker's Eye lets you dig deep through R&D. Diesel/Patron/Code Siphon/SMC lets you find your breakers quickly.

Feedback Filter/Citadel means you have options to survive damage-based decks, with Citadel giving you additional protection versus tags.

Everything else: econ, basically.

Then you do it all over again, whether in general or piecemeal, with Same Old Thing to recur. I kinda wish I had just two more points of influence to stash Rumor in there -- but as it is, she thrives if corps are building with Rumor Mill as an expected threat.