Single-Triple-Double (4th @ Metro Manila District Champs)

lunari 201

Runner deck here, with a long writeup.

Went 4-2 during the tournament, (2-1 on Runner and 2-1 on Corp), squeaking into Top Cut.

This deck is just a variation of Single-Triple by CyberspacePanda, my testing partner. But I'm always so stubborn and added a second Wraparound (hence being called Single-Triple-Double lol) and added Ping due to the advice of Tuno and Aruzan to cut Palisade. I also just dropped Piranhas to make space -- a single one is porous when the runner really wants it to be and folds to ice destruction.

saner minds prevailed

R1 Azmari vs Mulch/Noise Breakerless René “Loup” Arcemont: Party Animal (Snack) - L

An early Reeducation trash with Imp and then hosting it on Heliamphora sealed the game for me. Eventually, Snack just milled so much (specially as a 40 card deck) that he won off of a run on archives. With Degree Mill shuffling back the Heliamphora and allowing them to also steal the hosted Reeducation. Crazy deck! Last time we played, I only flatlined them out of pure luck after some unlucky accesses on their side.

R3 Azmari vs Crew Hosh (CyberspacePanda) - W

We played this matchup several times and I always lost. Ice destruction when we have so few ice means free Leech counters on centrals, and Aumakua is just a huge gg since we don't run Mavirus.

However, he dipped too low on credits and I found a line. I install-advanced a Reeducation, then advanced Mestnichestvo. They can't defuse the combo if they hit the remote being broke. Kind of silly in hindsight, but all of our wins were just the standard combo line. He cupped a Neurospike, but I had a second in hand.

R6 Azmari vs Esa (moveslikejuaber) - W

Juabe was playing standard Spark of Inspiration Begemot Laamb Esa. We playtested this matchup several times and we found that we can just kill if they focus on milling us out, or if they just run once in archives for the win.

So I was confident going into this matchup, but I drew no ice until turn 4, even after two Rashida fires and several Planograms and Sudden Commandments. I noticed he was just ignoring all the remotes, thinking I was playing some kind of kill deck with ambushes and Snare!, so I did what I knew best -- I just shuffled three installables and jammed them in seperate remotes. I hid all my agendas in remotes and the rest were in Archives with Spins on board so I knew R&D was relatively safe. We're shell gaming now.

I eventually find some ice and set up a triple ice turn with enough credits to threaten the kill. After some Holoman moving shennanigans, we got the win.

Cut: Azmari vs Arissana (FreeRice) - L

We just want to make a server the runner cannot get into. Arissana, if nothing else, can bust into remotes with no problem at all. So this was doomed from the start. I knew I had to kill fast.

I eventually found a line that could be the only opportunity I had in the game and went for it. A server of Wraparound, Mestnichestvo, and Jua, and I just hoped they didn't have enough Simulchips and Muses in hand to get through the server since they haven't drawn much and the deck was 53 cards.

They had all the installables and bypassed Jua with Physarum Entangler, which I was trying to force with a Muse install from hand to deny the Wraparound break. After that, it all just went downhill.

The Reeducation steal could have been game if I drew a second Punitive, but alas, I did not get it after Sudden Commandment. I'm not certain if I should have waited for a second Punitive, but it felt dicey as he was running Burner and had three Daily Casts and an Aesop’s Pawnshop ticking down each turn. There was no time. This game was recorded I believe and after the Reeducation steal I just played sloppily I think, since it was pretty much game over from there.

I still felt I made the correct decision at that moment and would make the same decisions given the same game state. Sometimes you just have to make them have it, and they did. GGs to FreeRice for taking down the tournament and going undefeated with Arissana!