Urban Girls For Chemistry Education (2-1 and 9th @ EMEA Dist

AceEmpress 620

Beatriz Friere Gonzalez is girls!

This deck went 2-1 @ EMEA online district, 3-1 @ London District, 3-1 @ Midlands, 2-1 @ North District, it's good!

Losing Trick Shot means a broader strategic reevaluation is necessary - it was an incredibly efficient card for both the remote and R&D that basically just says "I can do what I want". Without it, the deck needs to focus more on consistent value than on bursty capitalising on openings.

The biggest change here is Hermes becoming Physarum Entangler, and Aniccam in the console slot. We can't guarantee the follow up punish or cheap centrals digs that made Hermes so good here, so instead we aim to get through the deck faster and have extra kill resilience, not that it saved me vs NotYeti >:(.

Beatriz fills two roles here - being a second Eru Ayase-Pessoa in effect but also simply spreading the Corp as thin as possible. It's very hard for the Corp to stop us closing out the game once we have 3 or 4 points, either from the remote or exposed centrals, simply because those points can come from anywhere. No matter the situation, we can always attack where the Corp is weakest, and get to where we want - Cup and Burner for HQ, Jailbreak for everywhere, Eru makes Archives R&D, Physarum, Euler, Propellor and Ika mean even a tough remote can be yours a few times on the cheap.

This, to me, is the core of girls. The ability to fight scrappy, to exploit any opening, to make the Corp fear for every server, to have a toolbox you somehow have to pull 7 points out of. Plus you can do constant psychic battles in the mind realm and I have a flair for the dramatic with psi games sometimes.

Also, life advice for my future self - realise you're too cold at round 1 of the tournament, not after round 7! I don't know if I would have done better than 2-5 at Sheffield, but I know I would have dealt with the results better if I wasn't also too cold without realising.

24 Mar 2025 jan tuno

girls are better with lab coats <3