Cezve Over-Clock (Steve/Az) [Testing]

Meo 17

I loved the idea of abusing Overclock and Cezve using instant payed ability windows, my first thought was using it with Rubicon switch which turned out to be awfully slow on its own.

(Edit: actually it doesn't work at all)

Masterwork (v37) and Prognostic Q-Loop both work at instant speed and could help cheat out cards faster.

The next problem was hand clogging with all these jank cards that were no good unless drawn with Prognostic Q-Loop. Bahia Bands come in pretty clutch allowing you to install cards from your hand using Cezve credits.

The Twinning was the first thing that came to mind as a win con for the deck since we'll be using Cezve every turn to install and use programs.

Gachapon helps us get our cezve engine running quicker and can allow us to leverage our installed Cezve by installing programs mid run.

Everything else are options I want to try out in game and adjust with some more game experience

19 Feb 2025 Silent Arbiter

The idea is pretty interesting.

I've played enough Los to suggest you to cut some of those rubicon, 1 is usually more then enough. Imo you don't have enough events/trashable to make steve worth, probably Az as you already mentioned would be better, or even Los. The third Saci is a must imo seeing what we are trying to do. Flashbang seems pretty cool but is quite bad in a meta where Tithe and Anemone and Drafter are pretty much all the sentry played. Lucky Charm is usually the 45th card, 3 seems to be quite too many. Some burst economy would be incredibly nice (Sure Gamble). Sinse we are playing masterwork Boomerang is pretty strong, allowing us to contest remotes while searching for our breakers. A copy of Mutual Favor can help us accelerate in this sense.

If we cut the hyperbaric (amina is a valid alternative having gachapon to cheat the cost) and a bahia we could put in a couple of simulchip that cover our breakers and allow us to recycle the sacis. Also, if we want to contest economically the corp making them unable to rez ices after derezzing them, Diversion of Funds is considerable, but also the new Amelia Earhart could be a valid inclusion if we focus more on multiaccess.

Keep up the creativity!!

20 Feb 2025 Meo

@Silent Arbiter

I only posted this so I could show the list to my buddy, but I was so excited to get feedback from such a vetted player! (I was just watching metropole grid play your "StandObb" deck, very cool)

Thanks for taking the time to show me some of the flaws and potentials of the deck, since I saw your comment at work I couldnt wait to rip it apart and implement those ideas! Simulchip & Amina in particular I'm excited to try ๐Ÿงฉ๐Ÿ…

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