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Dropped Early Bird and add 2 Infiltration in its place. I'll likely replace that with Drive By when Chrome City is released. I also reduced Express Delivery by one in order to add a full play set of Kati Jones. 5/16/15
Dropped all the Déjà Vu for a full play set of The Maker's Eye 6/19/15
Returning one Déjà Vu and dropping one The Maker's Eye after getting nailed with an unexpected Power Shutdown and had no way to recur the lost breaker. Also dropped Security Testing in order to test out Symmetrical Visage. My meta has become extremely wise when dealing with Security Testing by icing up just about everything thus making it a dead card. 6/29/ 15
Replaced the Infiltration with Drive By. If losing the extra click is too intense I can switch back. 7/8/15
Been having some problems playing against decks that have major hard-on's for dealing damage(net and meat to be precise). So it's time to experiment. Dropping a Comet and a The Maker's Eye to free influence for two I've Had Worse. I could could consider dropping in one Feedback Filter and Plascrete Carapace but my concern is those could be dead cards in certain match-ups. Suggestions are appreciated. 7/18/15
No, you're not really running for nothing. So this beauty is powered by the Comet. In fact, mulligan your first hand. Cuz the sooner Comet hits the board the better. I tested this deck with HQ Interface, Day Job and Prepaid VoicePAD and felt that neither card truly helped all that much. Prepaid VoicePAD is just better in Kate "Mac" McCaffrey: Digital Tinker. HQ Interface hurt my tempo a bit. Day Job was a fun inclusion but with Security Testing and Kati Jones, I really didn't need the card and i need the influence for The Maker's Eye
In the heat of battle there were times that I wished i had a Legwork or Inside Job but failed to snag it. So the addition to tutor a run event has been eased with Planned Assault. The ICE breakers speak for themselves.
Lastly, Comet may make this deck running like a V8 engine but if for whatever reason you never draw into it, run it like any old Criminal Deck. Suggestions are welcomed.
18 Jul 2015
18 Jul 2015
W4lt3r B15h0p
18 Jul 2015
18 Jul 2015
W4lt3r B15h0p
Have you thought about Utopia Shard i find that's a good anti Scorched Earth card that doubles up as a good Legwork combo.
I also prefer Crash Space to Plascrete Carapace in crim cos you can turn it into econ your self with cards like Account Siphon.