[STANDARD] Gaslight, etc. (3-2, 16th at Worlds Showdown 2024

zhansonic 47

Based on jan tuno's love story and lif3line's recent [R+ Kill](https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/b62d0df7-5c00-40d9-b5ac-baebfabd6b26/r-kill-in- this-economy-8th-undefeated-ea-regional-), which I liked the feel of and didn't give too much thought about after I needed a corp deck for maninthemoon's Worlds Showdown. It's a fun deck and works really well!

The game plan is pretty simple. Score points and try to sneak out a False Lead or two however you can. Ping can even defend a turn 2 agenda score, if the runner has a slow start. Hold an Oppo, and kill the runner if they slip up.

Deck notes

Oppo Research: This card is busted. I usually like to have one in hand at all times, and never have two in hand if I can help it. Playing it without being on threat is a great tempo play, and you just need to stick one tag from somewhere else and play it to set up a kill turn. Even better if you forfeit a False Lead so the runner ends their turn with 2-3 tags.

End of the Line: I like to play a second one. Not a lot of runners expect it, and we have plenty of ways to get it with two Gaslight and a Pivot.

Gaslight: I like to have 2, but we can definitely have 3. I play them aggressively and don't usually protect them.

Degree Mill: I'd consider swapping one of these for another Oracle Thinktank and Orbital Superiority, but we really need agenda density to be as low as it can, and it helps us with that. You can also play fast and loose with it on the first few turns.

Oracle Thinktank: You know how to use this. Sometimes, poisoning Archives with one or two of these (or a Tomorrowʼs Headline) can be a great play to stick 1-2 tags as a surprise.

The Holo Man: If you get to 4 or 5 agenda points, Holo Man can threaten a win. You can bluff an AMAZE Amusements as a Holo Man. Orbital Superiority and The Holo Man can also be 1 tag / 4 meat damage for two clicks and 5 creds on your kill turn.

Mindscaping is surprisingly critical to this deck, and pairs very nicely with End of the Line to kill on 1 or 2 tags.

I'd love to put one single expensive ICE in this deck, but we don't have the creds for it without landing a second or third Regolith, and Regolith is load-bearing enough as it is since we don't have a lot of tools to play reliable huge YDLs. Hydra and Seraph are both fun options, but they definitely don't do enough for being 10 creds, and they can only be in one place at a time. I also use the remote to feed Oracle Thinktank or Tomorrowʼs Headline to the runner sometimes, so I have a slight preference not to put End the Run ICE in this deck like Funhouse

Unsmiling Tsarevna doesn't do as much as I'd like. I'd love to add a Jaguarundi, since it does everything we need from ICE (tags the runner or takes their clicks, and even occasionally a core damage), but I'm worried about the consistency of this deck without Pivot. That said, I think that a Pivot and two Gaslight is a tiny bit overkill.

The Tournament

This deck was streamed not once, but twice! Both games I lost, but I played games that I was proud of.

Win Game 2 vs AbyssStaresBack/Lastwarrior on Ari: This was a fast game. AbyssStaresBack got a pair of good early HQ accesses, first a Tomorrow's Headline then a Degree Mill. But I was ready on the second steal, and AbyssStaresBack decided to try to find the game-winning agenda in HQ, R&D, and Archives instead of clearing tags, and the credits from a Regolith gave me just enough for a credit-perfect Mindscaping + End of the Line.

Loss Game 4 vs Santa on Ari: aksu's stream link. Honestly, one of the best games of Netrunner I've played. Santa is a phenomenal player, and kept pace remarkably well, first stealing an Oppo Research with a Cupellation and then one of my End of the Lines with a second cup. I don't think it was a misplay to jam Degree Mill and The Holo Man in the remote and threaten to score out with 8 creds, especially with the Cupellation and how much centrals pressure Santa was putting out, but he correctly identified what I was doing and forced ICE rezzes to keep me just too poor to score out (surprisingly bouncing off my innermost Ping instead of accessing - maybe fearing an AMAZE Amusements) and he was able to crack the remote the next turn and steal the Degree Mill. Time was running out, and I was unfortunately 2 creds too poor to end his life (since I needed two or three out of Mindscaping and End of the Line), but I still forfeited False Lead and fired what I had. I understand that I could have kept my points lead and tried to defend my centrals and play slowly and deliberately to run down the clock, but that's not the kind of Netrunner I like to play, and definitely not as the corp. So I jammed an Orbital Superiority in the remote on my last turn and double advanced it and hoped that Santa didn't have a fracter for the innermost Ping - but he Ari'd it out, and that was time. To be fair, keeping the Orbital Superiority in my hand in an unsecured HQ when Santa had a Cupellation on the board didn't seem like a good move to me either.

Win Game 6 vs DiskElemental on Esa: DiskElemental just had rough draws in this game. It's always unpleasant for both sides when the Esa doesn't draw Marrow, and I didn't have to work too hard to secure my servers and get the win via one floated tag and a Mindscaping + End of the Line.

Win Game 8 vs ComradeCoheed on Kit: We were both kind of tired at this point and the odds were against us making the cut, so this was a quick game. ComradeCoheed found a bunch of points in a turn, I slammed a 4 tags Oppo Research, and ComradeCoheed floated all the tags but couldn't close out the game on the next turn so I ended things.

Loss Cut game 2 vs dezigerator / alex on Mercury: aksu's stream link. Another tense game! I lost two or three agendas to an inopportune HQ flood, and on my last turn, I double-Gaslighted my second End of the Line and a Mindscaping, guaranteeing the kill even through The Class Act (with a False Lead in the pocket) if dezigerator didn't find an agenda in his first two clicks. But he found a Degree Mill in R&D, and that was game.

Thanks to maninthemoon (and xdg for the backup server) for running a super smooth event! I had a blast making the cut for the first time.

For my runner deck, I played a Divide and Conquer Mercury, which did ok but still needs some work into several matchups.