Boosting a Better World --BB45--

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moistloaf 174

For those unfamiliar:

I'm not here to preach. This ruleset is another way to enjoy the game we all love. I built my first decks under the system tonight and had tons of fun.

This deck wants to rush early, which is very possible thanks to lack of SMC, Inside Job, and Faust in the format. You are going to eventually transition into glacier. Your servers can become very taxing, thanks to Sub Boost. You want to save it for your Sentries, and possibly Red Tape. Avoid installing Red Tape too early; ideally it goes atop your 3- or 4-deep remote in the late game, but it could go over RND in an emergency.

Protecting RND is very crucial; you can't afford to lose your traps from centrals.

This deck may still have too much money; I want to get more games in before I start cutting economy. Same thing goes for the third Negotiator; it may be better as a third Cobra.

tl;dr Sub Boost is pretty great when your ICE doesn't die to Parasite. I will be trying an NBN Sub Boost deck very soon, with Bandwidth, Archangel and Waiver as great targets. Even a Boosted Pop-up Window is good value!


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