
The Shadow Pulling the Strings

68 influence spent (max ∞, available ∞)
19 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 30)
Cards up to Downfall
Too many copies of a limited card
Agenda (8)
Asset (8)
Event ()
Hardware ()
Operation (12)
1x Biotic Labor ●●●●
1x Celebrity Gift ●●●
1x Door to Door ●●
1x Salem's Hospitality ○○○○
1x Shipment from Tennin ●●●
1x Sweeps Week ●●
1x Trick of Light ●●●
Resource ()
Upgrade (4)
Barrier (7)
1x Curtain Wall ●●
2x Himitsu-Bako ●●●●
2x IP Block ●●
Code Gate (3)
1x IQ ●●
1x Oduduwa ●●●●●
1x Ravana 1.0
Icebreaker ()
Multi ()
Other (3)
Program ()
Sentry (4)
1x Ichi 2.0 ●●●
1x Janus 1.0 ●●●
1x News Hound ●●
Legality (show more)
Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest)
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active)
Pre-rotation decklist
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Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet
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ejohns25 1

for TTS


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