[Startup] Orb's Last Dance - 2nd Place PDX Circuit Opener

saff 27

PDX Circuit Opener 2022 2nd place of 17

3 - 1 in swiss

2 - 0 in top cut

Paired with Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design (3-1, 1-2)

Rezeki finally met its fate in Standard, but Boatzeki is still alive and well in Startup until rotation happens. Shamelessly copied from Sokka's APAC 2022 Standard deck and modified for Startup. This deck felt completely unreasonable and only lost one game in swiss to PD piloted by ClosDeLaRoche. Double Brân 1.0 with NEXT backup is remarkably difficult for Cleaver to contest, so a switch to Corroder may have been wiser despite losing some efficiency versus Gold Farmer and Akhet.

In testing, I was running 2x Fermenter in place of Imp and Pinhole Threading but I expected the corp meta to shift away from taxing ice towards fast advance and defensive upgrades so I wanted a few tools to snipe key pieces. Imp paid off fully during the event, trashing Bellonas, Seamless Launches, and SanSan City Grids.

Once again, thanks mystermerry for setting up the event, and big congrats to benticurus for the first place finish!