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Hi. I've been teching the Foundry ever since it came out. I've won several tournaments with the Foundry, I've given up with the Foundry, I've taken the Foundry back into my arms. We've had our fights, our ups and downs, but only now, through vigorous teching and theorycrafting, have I come up with a build I'm sure enough about, a build I'm finally ready to give out to you fine folks.
As always, I'll give a Tl;dr for those of you who don't want to read a ton of details and analysis.
If the Corp uses the ability on The Foundry during the resolution of an Accelerated Beta Test, what happens? Each piece of ice is installed and rezzed one at a time. So the Corp installs the first piece of ice and then uses The Foundry to search R&D for another copy. This results in shuffling the other two looked at cards into R&D (they neve actually leave R&D), preventing them from being installed or trashed.
Here's a breakdown for you:
You score ABT - You look at all three cards - You install and rez one ice - You choose to use the Foundry - Your Foundry ability happens, your deck is shuffled, thus nothing happens to the rest of the cards. You can't install them, and they aren't trashed.
Avoid too many agendas in your starting hand.
All in all, I hope you like this deck! I've put an immense amount of effort into the Foundry, and it has really paid off, at least in terms of the number of Netrunner playmats I own . :D I really love teching identities I enjoy to create new competitive builds, it's probably the biggest joy I get out of Netrunner. Anything I forgot to add in these notes? Drop a comment below! I'd love to hear feedback and ideas. Thanks for reading. :)
27 Sep 2015
28 Sep 2015
Earth Red
You score ABT - You look at all three cards - You install and rez one ice - You choose to use the Foundry - Your Foundry ability happens, your deck is shuffled, thus nothing happens to the rest of the cards. You can't install them, and they aren't trashed. |
28 Sep 2015
Surely there's anti-synergy between NEXT, Peak Efficiency and Mother Goddess? You want to be rezzing lots of ice, having Mother Goddess discourages you from doing that. Also, how consistent is the economy in this deck? It seems with only 9 economy cards, 3 of which are late game, you might experience fairly consistent trouble. |
28 Sep 2015
Earth Red
I haven't had trouble with my economy. This deck contains 11 economy cards (you forgot Executive Boot Camp), 7 of my agendas give me or can be used for economic consistency, you can use part of your recursive pool on your economy, not to mention that my spending flow is quite low. Also since you rarely need to draw cards through clicks, you can spend a lot of your spare clicks for credits. It's true that Peak Efficiency is useless early on, but after a few rezzes at it's worst it'll be a Beanstalk Royalties if need be. |
28 Sep 2015
It seems like maybe 1 of the Gold could be something else, since I'd imagine you'll almost never rez more than 1. I suppose with 3 Batty in the deck, finding one early-ish is a pretty nice thing, though, so I could maybe see the 3 for consistency. Have you tried it with just 2 before? |
28 Sep 2015
Earth Red
Not to say, though, that playing only two wouldn't be possible. The gain we get from the shift from two to three is small enough to justify other uses for the slot, but I'm just the kind of guy who prefers this kind of consistency. |
30 Sep 2015
By no means am I an expert, but from my PoV, the economy is barely enough to get by - you make it work, but it is tight! My assets get regularly wrecked (which is probably why my eco is tight), but that could be a me problem. Our savior, Jackson Howard, was missed. I only truly needed him in 1 game (vs. Laramy Fisk: Savvy Investor), but when you need him, you really need him. In my other games, he was more of a nice to have. I felt dirty after using Caprice Nisei and Marcus Batty to defend the same remote from multiple runs for multiple scores... Thanks again for your sharing your work! |
30 Sep 2015
Earth Red
The deck is quite tight in deed in terms of economy management. It's manageable, but tight, and as I wrote before, requires a lot of long-term thinking. Try to think a few turns ahead with your assets. Put an ICE or two in front if possible. Leave R&D ice unrezzed for one turn if you get the chance, if that gives you the money to get Adonis Campaign both up and protected. The risks you take should be those that give you longevity. Some times, it doesn't even matter if your opponent steals an agenda while you setup the rest of your game. Things like this will pay out on the long term and help you get yourself in a safe situation. Hope this helps. :) Jackson Howard is the kind of a card (when thinking about including him) that truly fits the description "When you need him, you really need him." Your natural draw pace and ability to make safer scoring windows with your upgrades (thus one not being completely 100% rekt by agenda flooding) makes him quite useless otherwise except for his remove from the game ability... But boy when you would need that. |
3 Oct 2015
Have you considered Team Sponsorships? Instead of interns? Cant wait to give this a whirl. Looks like a whole lot of fun |
3 Oct 2015
Earth Red
3 Oct 2015
Peak Efficiency seems like a card that will clog your hand until it comes online, have you considered playing less than 3 of them? Consider that even with a whole 4 ice rezzed (I've gone entire games without rezzing 4 ice) it's only the equivalent of a Beanstalk Royalties, which is frowny face in my book. In a deck that plays off of cards like Peak Efficiency, Diversified Portfolio, or Commercialization, I usually still don't play 3 of them, because I don't want to see them early. |
4 Oct 2015
I note you've tagged this as doing well in a store champs, which seems strange since it has cards up to the Underway which came out in July. |
4 Oct 2015
Earth Red
4 Oct 2015
Earth Red
The upside to having three is far more usually having it available as a card that gives you immense recovery from almost nothing mid game, and having more of them late game. Since your economy is just a bit on the edge, I've been able to win a lot of games by having that instant recovery to safe money at hand. Seeing as this deck is quite tolerant of doing a lot of sitting around, it's not even far fetched. But, as expected, I see this as a tit for tat exchange, up to personal preference really. What credit card where you thinking of putting in the slot? A one off Subliminal Messaging? |
4 Oct 2015
Earth Red
4 Oct 2015
Nice deck |
4 Oct 2015
This is the kind of HB NEXT I've really wanted to play, but I haven't had a lot of luck with the Foundry. How do you deal with heavy Parasite recursion? I'm assuming you hold off on using Executive Boot Camp, but I can't see much more than that. Interns would be for Batty and Caprice... Seems fun, though. Might give it shot. |
4 Oct 2015
Earth Red
5 Oct 2015
This is exactly the sort of Foundry deck I've been hoping will show up for a while! Looks really exciting to play, I'm definitely going to give it a shot. Don't think I'd be comfortable taking it to a tournament without any Jackson Howards, though, given the volume of Noise players you see in the current meta. |
5 Oct 2015
Earth Red
5 Oct 2015
I can attest to the strength of this deck (ran something very similar at nationals, it did quite well, except...) but one thing I have to point out is that the noise matchup is brutal. No Jackson means milling hurts a lot more. He can play/recur parasite 8 times or so without breaking a sweat (which Hurts NEXT, as well as bootcamp). Faust tears through most all your ice so early rushes will be tough (and rig wipes easily recovered from.) TLDR the only wins I've ever had vs. a modern noise were lucky next gold flatline hijinks, and those were only enabled by a combo of perfect ABTs and dedicated Jackson stalling-without him it seems a quick trip to a loss versus that deck. |
11 Oct 2015
Continuing the discussion about Noise and Parasite recursion, how would you make room for two or three Jacksons. My first thought was cutting 1x Markus Batty, 1x Interns and 1x Archived Memories but maybe cutting one Ichi would be better than the Interns, I assume that you would cut Caprice before Batty. How many of your wins are due to Batty compared to Caprice? |
14 Oct 2015
Earth Red
Well, I guess long-term wise Marcus Batty is better, while as if you want some random strong early and mid game plays, Caprice Nisei is the card for you. I tend to get a lot of my wins due to playing three Battys in the same deck, so I'm really super hesitant when thinking about removing one. Making your ice base smaller is always risky, but of course Jacksons tend to mitigate a good bit off of the risk. If I'd have to remove one ice, it'd be Turing, since having 1x of something other than ice like mother goddess brings some antisynergy (which isn't very good.) In the event of having three Jacksons, having only two Turings is still stable enough that you should still be drawing it if you need it. Now this is all based on a meta where most AI decks have a good fork of ways to deal with Turing. If you really win games by spamming it, then the story will be, of course, different... But lets be honest, when will you have enough credits early enough to have enough Turings + other ice for running three to make a difference? And in non-AI matchups, it's the slightest bit sub-par in many matchups. |
14 Oct 2015
Earth Red
Oh, forgot to tag I should also add that I can't stress enough how sub-par a splash Jackson is in non-mill heavy metas. |
19 Oct 2015
"I should also add that I can't stress enough how sub-par a splash Jackson is in non-mill heavy metas." I think this may be the source of confusion for many people on the decision to cut jackson; I'm interested what people are playing around you, but around here, and from what I gather in most places (definitely on, though I can't speak to OCTGN), Faust Noise is the deck to beat. |
21 Oct 2015
Earth Red
21 Oct 2015
Have you considered The Twins? It can be amazing with The Foundry + Ichi 1.0/NEXT Gold/Architect. (Rez Architect, grab another Architect, then redo Architect, installing the second Architect from archives, plus another top-5 look/install.) It would considerably increase the number of cards you have to combo with, and can even work together. What's worse than Marcus Batty + NEXT Gold? Batty + 2x Gold. Replacing Caprice Nisei with some combination of Jackson Howard + Twins would help shore up the Noise or Keyhole matchup, in addition to all the normal benefits of Jackson. If you add Jacksons, they could fill the role of Interns as well if you're just using it for ICE, since your own ability already helps you get ICE out of your deck. |
23 Oct 2015
Earth Red
22 Dec 2015
Given the release of Film Critic and Global Food Initiative since you posted this deck, would you consider revising your agenda spread? Or does the influence cost on GFI make it not worth including it over Caprice Nisei or Marcus Batty? |
Very enjoyable write up. Could you explain the ABT Foundry synergy a bit more. Do you see all 3 cards before deciding what to do?