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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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Pre-rotation decklist |
Quick tweaks! Couldn't keep the VoicePADs in there while fitting in SOT and Plascrete. Still, 19 run events + Desperado + Datasucker should net some money.
Saved some influence by going to central-only breakers for , and spent it on Vamp for extra denial. Account Siphon, Vamp, Emergency Shutdown, and Running Interference should allow you to get into whatever server your speedy blue heart desires.
Room for Faeries and a Femme would be nice, but whoo boy is space ever tight!
4 Mar 2014
4 Mar 2014
I am going to assume Ajar means to Siphon/Vamp them into the ground and then run the remote if needed. |
4 Mar 2014
3 Siphon, 3 Same Old Thing, and 2 Vamp seems like overkill. Why not slap in a couple of ways to get into a remote, like Femme or Quest Completed? |
4 Mar 2014
Elthane's got the idea, yes. Drain their credits and then either derez the ice that's keeping you out with Shutdown or use Running Interference so they can't afford to rez ice on that server (either central or remote) that they thought you couldn't get into. Quest Completed is more situational; Running Interference works on any server, and it's blue! :) I actually don't think that 5 draining events and 3 recursion cards is overkill in a deck with no draw capability, but then I mostly play Andromeda and even add draw there. That said, with so many events, I think SOT is pretty useful beyond drain recursion. |
5 Mar 2014
Thought about copycat for hitting remotes? Try getting them to rez the remote ice with early game runs, then when you've beaten them round the face on centrals drop the copycat for a sudden change of direction? |
5 Mar 2014
I would find a way to work in a third inside job. Maybe cut a legwork or early bird - good cards for sure, but inside job is going to be pretty critical with your lack of remote pressure. |
5 Mar 2014
Wouldn't it make sense to turn the Vamps into Maker's Eye, for R&D pressure? I also would like to see a 3rd Inside Job. |
5 Mar 2014
Personally, I don't really think 3 Carapace is needed? or are you gonna go like Completely Abandon Treatment and have like 20 tags? (Since there isn't Resource... I guess it works ww) |
5 Mar 2014
Even with clearing tags, seeing as this deck has no draw, I think 3 plascrete is a must. |
5 Mar 2014
The third Inside Job was an extremely reluctant cut. I might do one SOT for it, rather than one of the other run events. I'm with you 100% on 3x Carapace being essential in a deck with no draw. I think Copycat is too situational. I went with Indexing over Maker's Eye. It digs deeper and is more flexible since even if you don't hit agendas, you can bury their operation econ and slow them down. |
6 Mar 2014
I love Indexing. I wasn't suggesting an Indexing cut. I'm suggesting a cut of Vamp for Maker's Eye. You aren't going to be super rich in this deck IMO, and I find Vamp a little silly when we have Siphon in-faction and SOT already. Also, have you found Running Interference to be worth the cost? I think the 4c is pretty prohibitive. You could cut 1 of those for the Inside Job. |
6 Mar 2014
With 3x Siphon alone, your odds of getting 1+ in your opening hand -- even if you mulligan for it every time -- are only 51.5%. Add two Vamps and that number is 71.0%. I do think -1 Running Interference, +1 Inside Job would be a good option, though. |
6 Mar 2014
True, but they're not really comparable IMO so the math is irrelevant. One costs you money, one makes you money. How often do you really land Turn 1 Siphons anyway? |
6 Mar 2014
No Blackmail. I have no means of delivering bad pub, and deck space is so tight that if a non-Plascrete card is dead in some matchups, it's a problem. The odds of getting cards in the opening hand aren't necessarily about wanting to use them turn 1; it's about wanting to have access to them in the early game without having to draw/tutor a ton. I'm not wedded to Vamp, but I want to test with it before I test without it. |
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You like running centrals but you'd love to rob a remote or two as well? Why not try Quest Completed?