Prepaid Event Toolbox (V1.2!)

Trizzy613 142

Here's the main change: WAIT! NO Plascrete Carapace!? Damn right! Lawyer Up is a BEAST in this deck. I always found plascretes to be a clunky necessary evil but now it no longer matters. As a rule of thumb I often found myself using Account Siphon on maximum click 2 against NBN or Weyland and spending 4 of the credits I earned just removing tags. With Prepaid VoicePAD you can have your cake and eat it too! Also see Lawyer Up as a 2 click in-faction diesel if you have your prepaids and they're even actually Same Old Thing worthy after siphoning. Genreally at that point you'll have so much more money that midseasons and scorches won't touch you and you'll have a full hand to boot.

Your main players here are Prepaid VoicePAD, Planned Assault, Quality Time and Same Old Thing. These all work together to tutor fast for cheap and recurr what you want in a blink. Levy AR Lab Access is there as your backup or once your rig is established to bring those tutors back to spam events super cheap.

I'm not a fan of Lucky Find, Satellite Uplink or Express Delivery for Ken decks but in this case you can always discard them if they're dead draws and SoT can bring them back if need be with lowered costs.

I find Public Terminal to actually really suck compared to Prepaid VoicePAD because they're too situational based on your draw and corp players are smart enough to know they must protect from the run events Inside Job, The Maker's Eye and Account Siphon.

Programs are simple, my friends know me as "that guy who loves Faerie" when playing criminal but they are a fantastic way to facecheck without major repercussions and most of the time whenever I have a Special Order without a good program rig and cards are unrezzed I'm left wishing I had one instead to just go aggro.

30 May 2014 Trizzy613

Oops, forgot to edit that Express Delivery is no longer there to make way for Lawyer Up. And -1 Inside Job for +1 Faerie.