We are the robots. /Euregio championship

ANRguybrush 128

Hi I'm Nico from Cologne( Ruhr Valley), known as guy.brush on jinteki.net

This deck went 5-1 at the 4th Euregio in Aachen. For more information on the Euregio, look here: http://www.eurogrid.net/events/4th-android-netrunner-euregio-championship-2015/

I played against two stealth Andy, PVPP Kate, Cacheshop kate, Cacheshop Noise and one siphon noise(that was wild).

The deck is not really original or creative, but it works really well against most kind of matchups.

I really like Ichi 2.0 and it trashed two Cybercypher once, it will definitly stay.

Hudson 1.0 is kinda weird. It's cheap and high strength, but situational. I never got the chance to rez it unfortunatly. He either hid well in R&D, got milled or I couldn't rez it because I was too poor. Need more games to test him.

Thanks to Falko for organising the event and for the excellent price support and thanks to the Cologne City Grid for the many games and the patience.

9 Nov 2015 sruman

Great to see Hudson in the list. The HB players amongst the Toronto, Canada group that went to worlds all became convereted over to Team Hudson and slotted 1 in their Food Coats. It did good work for all of us. Typically, HB ice is taxing enough early enough that R&D runs are focussed on multi-access. The only runner who didn't waste half-a-turn clicking through them on maker's eyes, etc. was a stealth kit. But I was able to burn several Kate and Noise clicks with it. Surprisingly, it can be good on the remote. They either breaker it or have to choose between trashing the Caprice or the Ash (or Adonis or ...).

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