A Feather in Your Cap v0.5

dtelad11 964

15 Dec 2014 Alsciende

It seems to me that HQ destruction (Wanton Destruction, Utopia Shard, Imp to a lesser extent) is anti-combo with Vigil.

15 Dec 2014 dtelad11

laughing Whenever I publish a new version of this deck I get that comment.

I agree that Wanton Destruction and Utopia Shard will cost you one or two turns of Vigl. However, you generally have reasonable control of the remote, which means sooner or later the Corp wants to buff up HQ in order to defend agendas there. Oftentimes, if they don't you keep pounding HQ and hitting key components. Also, the synergy might work in reverse - you play Vigil, Corps get hand size low, you hit them with WD/Utopia.

As a rule of thumb it seems to me that Corps don't want to keep hand size low. HQ becomes a liability that way. I agree that Vigil does not draw as much as it might with Valentina Estevaz and Itinerant Protesters - but I'm generally happy with the card draw it supplies. It seems to be the best Console for this deck at the moment (I don't feel I run enough to justify -3x Lucky Find, +2x Desperado; I could be mistaken, though). Who knows, though? Maybe SanSan brings new options.

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