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Silence Kit v1.5 | 38 | 21 | 5 |
Kit Plays With Her Food [Onesies/] | 0 | 0 | 0 |
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"This is the city liiiiiiiiife"
Disclaimer: I've turned off the first 2 cycles since I don't see the point in designing with cards that are about to rotate. That being said, I don't think anything from Genesis or Spin is actually needed for this deck.
This here is the single-breaker Kit deck I've been playing around with since Inversificator came out. It draws a lot of inspiration from my friend @drmastodon and his old Yogdor deck.
GAMEPLAN The basic concept is simple. Step one: install Magnum Opus. Step 2: install Inversificator. Step 3: run anywhere you damn please for the rest of the game, particularly R&D.
Kit's problem used to be servers that got deeper than 1 ice. Well, allow me to teach you Code Fu...
Level 0: Do you even Kit? Any single ice is a code gate to you and is easily dispatched without breaking a cyborg-sweat.
Level 1: Swap Attack (AKA "Ice Skating" AKA "Sort of like Surfer"). On a 2 ice Server hit the first ice, codify it, break it, and then swap it with the ice behind and break it again (it's still a Code Gate until end of run!), bypassing whatever other ice was there. That means you can always get into any 2 ice server with nothing else going on.
Level 2: "Battlefield Control". If the server is only 1 deep, OR if there's a code gate at the back already, you can force a corp to rez all their ice one by one as you run the same server each turn and toss a new unrezzed piece in front of it. This makes them spend money, but there's another benefit. In the later game, you'll be hammering R&D, since that's what Shapers love, so you can gradually move all the easiest code gates over to R&D and stack them as you see fit (at the back - you want any non-gates up front to trigger your ID ability).
Level 3: "Spoon-Technique" Kit is short on influence, but that didn't stop me from spending 60% of it on something I can eat ice cream with. I love ice cream. Also, with your five (2+3 Same Old Thing - actually 10 in a REALLY long game with Levy AR Lab Access) Spooned, you can murder troublesome big ice and keep important servers light enough on ice that you can keep getting in.
PSA: Contrary to what I initially believed, you CANNOT Spoon a piece of ice, swap it back, and then let it die (thus bypassing the ice that was formally behind it). This is because, unlike Prey (which has the same "on pass" trigger condition as Inversificator's swap ability), Spooned triggers BEFORE passing, on "breaking all subroutines." This is sad, but hardly crippling. Spooning ice is still a wonderful use of a click.
Level 4: "Bird Technique" - what to do with that spare SMC now that you have your money and breaker? Egret let's you get 1 deeper on a server by permanently "painting" the ice at the back into a Code Gate. Now you can do your level 1 Swap Attack on the outer 2 ice and Egret-Style your way through the last one.
Level 5: But what if you can't find Spooned, or you run out, or they just have a ton of ice. Surely that 4 deep server of all barriers has defeated you. NO! Allow me to introduce you to the final, and most forbidden technique: The DOUBLE INVERSION (think of the tax benefits!). Turns out, while Inversificator only let's you do the Swap Attack once per turn, that is only PER COPY. They'l never see the surprise Modded into second Inversificator into the bottom of their "impenetrable" server. You just use your spare copy to pull of a second Swap Attack after the first and there you go.
So now that you're all:
let's move on to..
What about the rest of the deck? Basically it consists of Setup, Econ, and various utilities to give you more and more power as the game goes on.
Econ/Setup: The usual neutral suspects - Gamble, Casts, Laundry. You want to find Magnum Opus and Inversificator as fast as possible and even if it takes 3 turns, it is worth it. Once you have Opus, the other econ cards are more there for click efficiency than raw money.
Draw: Honestly, I wish I had more. Other than the obvious Diesel, the 1x Earthrise Hotel and Patron are there as compromise ways to have more access to draw. These are the 2 slots I think could be be flex slots if needed. You need it early if you can't find one of your 2 pieces, and late game, you're usually just looking for more Spoons and Eyes.
Console: Astrolabe: I started with Maya but it turns out there aren't that many situations where I need the extra memory, and for an ID that doesn't multi-run unless it has stripped R&D, the bottoming ability isn't as good as you want it to be. Plus with Equivocation and The Maker's Eye, it is overkill. Draw, on the other hand, is ALWAYS something I want more of, so Astrolabe it is!
Gameplan-Focused Utility: Spooned is obviously absurd with Kit. It lets you kill anything since you can always make it a Code Gate. And better yet, with Inversificator there is no more throwing a Pop-Up Window in front of the non Code Gate. Just Swap Attack and then Spoon! Only Kit's unnecessary "I was printed in 2013" handicapped influence prevents me from including the full three.
The Maker's Eye: A classic that, unlike Indexing isn't rotating and doesn't require a second run in the same turn (can be an issue for Kit). These are usually how you get your last agenda or two.
Same Old Thing: both of the previous events can be recurred with SOT, and they are both the sort that you want as many of as you can get.
Equivocation: The more I use this more in love I am. What if R&D Interface interface only cost 2, was something you could fetch with SMC, and let you keep seeing new cards even if you don't trash? Well, then it would be in my deck. And it is. Oh, and it stacks with The Maker's Eye.
Egret: I used to have more of these, but I have found that the situations where you really need this (ie. you can't handle a server with Code Fu levels 0-4) are limited. They do exist though, so it doesn't hurt to have 1 copy on call.
The Personal Touch: This used to be Dedicated Processor, but I realized that that card only gives you more long term benefit if you are repeatedly hitting something high strength like DNA Tracker. If you hit DNA Tracker you should just Spoon it and move on. The Personal Touch is provides a benefit more of the time.
General Utility: Aaron Marrón: Originally I just had 3x Spooned and then I decided I'd like to win sometimes if their ID was Yellow or Green, so I put him in. Also, turns out he's great for draw even if they aren't trying to tag you.
Film Critic: Is there really a reason not to have at least 1 if you are Shaper? Makes Jinteki matchups MUCH easier and can blank assorted other nonsense.
Beth Kilrain-Chang: All around all-star. Gives you so much incremental advantage over the course of the game. Especially great in a deck that takes a few turns setting up (meaning the Corp is likely to have a war chest going).
Levy AR Lab Access: No reason not to have an insurance policy if the game goes long.
So there you have it. Pavement references, Matrix references, it's like we're back in the 90's playing Original Flavor Netrunner. Except that most of you probably weren't born. God I'm old...
I hope you have as much fun with this as I do!
6 Jun 2017
7 Jun 2017
I feel like maybe Malkmus is more of a G-Mod :) I might have to name more decks after Pavement songs so that I can open a description with "I don't want your Corp-a-ration att-i-TUDE!" Anyhow, glad you enjoyed the list. It takes a few games to get the hang of it, but tossing people's ice around is lots of fun. |
7 Jun 2017
I've been trying to make an inversificator kit deck as well. One thing I like about Maya in Kit is that you can use the ability to put non-code gate ice on the bottom of their deck. My version has been using system seizure instead of Personal Touch and Tinkering/Careful Planning instead of egret, as well as a legwork. Any thoughts on that? |
7 Jun 2017
For Tinkering, I prefer having a permanent solution to deep servers, hence Egret (which can also be SMC'd). Ditto for Careful Planning (which is really expensive to boot). I would love to have the inf for some HQ related tool, but with Kit's inf so tight, I think Spooned is a priority. And Aaron is just so essential right now that I can't see cutting him for something else. |
7 Jun 2017
Have you considered Lockpick over Personal Touch? Essentially does the same thing if you're only running once per turn, plus there's no worry of losing your buffed up breaker if you get Hunter Seeker'd. You could even push it one step further and throw in a Net Mercur or two for more card draw and tempo! |
7 Jun 2017
8 Jun 2017
After trying your version for a bit, the deck is BEGGING for an HQ access tool. Camping that remote makes agendas pile up, and you just don't have the RD megabomb to win off just that (like medium/keyhole digs). This gives the corp time to stack up ice on RD and the scoring remote until it's safe to score. If -1 aaron +1 legwork isn't your thing, how about -1 aaron +2 turning wheel? The big thing I like about tinkering/planning is that it can be used on unrezzed ice, while planning also has some utility against defensive upgrades, but I suppose you could also run interdiction for that. I am also strongly suggesting a freedom through equality in here, just because it's so damn useful. Seizure vs touch is extremely situational, touch is much more reliable, but has generally lower payoff. Seizure is unquestionably going to save you more money IF it stays out for a few turns, but that's IF. The biggest question I have after trying this deck out, though, is how do you decide between spooning down their RD and their scoring remote? This is something you have to prep for several turns, and I really seems bad to try to split it up between both. |
8 Jun 2017
Actually, I just had an idea. -1 aaron...............(drumroll please)...........+2 The Gauntlet. Much more expensive yes, i know. But you have modded and mopus econ so it shouldn't be that bad. The benefits include: 1. Massive pressure on a 3rd server, making them have to spread out their ice even more thinly to keep you out. 2. +1 MU. Because. 3. Less pressure to find your x1 legwork or whatever, plus not having to decide between legwork, spooned and makers eye for your SoT. 4. You know Code Fu. It's a fist in a nintendo power glove. +5 flavor. 5. Finally running Gauntlet in a shaper deck where it belongs. It's a weird include, I know. But I'm willing to give it a try. |
8 Jun 2017
So the question is what do we add in place of the A-A-ron? And I think the answer is pretty easy: Misdirection. I felt safe without it because of 2x Aaron, but with only 1, I think an emergency oh s!*% button for tagstorm is useful. Thoughts? |
8 Jun 2017
One thing to note though: By my reading of The Gauntlet, you A) can't get extra accesses from Spooned ice (boo) and B) only get 1 extra access if you do a Swap Attack, since it is counting only the number of ice ON WHICH you broke all subs. Since you broke the same one twice, that's only 1 extra access. That still makes it an HQ interface with +2MU tacked on for 1 extra credit, which is pretty good. And if you can get a natural code gate in front of HQ (by swapping it there maybe), you can get 3+ accesses. I will try it out and report back. |
8 Jun 2017
I don't think the Gauntlet triggers well with inversificator. I think because Gauntlet says "for each piece of ice"; you're typically still breaking just a single ice with inversificator. Still would be good to access one additional card each time, but wouldn't get super good until hq has 3 ice. |
8 Jun 2017
My personal choice for tag protection in Shaper for a while has been NACH, what with Film Critic being in faction and all. It's cheap to install, it works against Railgun, and it's 0 influence. |
8 Jun 2017
Ok, I did -1 aaron, -1 patron, -1 earthrise, -2 Astrolabe into +2 gauntlet, +1 Makers Eye, +2 Freedom through equality. My very next game was: steal 2 points with early makers, steal 2 points off double inverse swap, get some mopus money and wait for flood, then get 3 points off install gauntlet, play freedom, run HQ to steal GFI for the win. True, gauntlet is kind of a nonbo with Inversificator, and that sucks. But at bare minimum it's still 2 accesses every time, which is still worth it. The interesting thing about having gauntlet out, is that the defense against the gauntlet is to NOT rez ice in front of HQ, because rezzing ice gives you more multiaccess. If they are careless and rez code gates on HQ, you get more accesses for the rest of the game, if they are smart and don't rez any codys........well they aren't rezzing ice, which is the same as it not existing at all, which means they have less ice.......which is good for you. Even just hitting 2 cards out of HQ should not be underestimated. If they are even slightly flooded (2 agendas in hand) and you access 2 cards, you have a 70% chance of walking away with an agenda. And you can do this over and over again. The slight drawback of nonbo-ing with inversificator aside, the gauntlet seems VERY worth it. If you want an anti-tag card in post-rotation green/neutral, I can't argue with misdirection, though even one aaron is still pretty darn strong. Misdirection seems specifically targeted at Hard Hitting News and Midseasons, though, which means after rotation Midseasons is gone. And you have mopus so HHN is less of a threat. 24/7 boom is still a bitch though, but maybe........MAYBE.....Qianju PT? Dunno about that one. I think the misdirection slot could easily be a flex slot for you local meta. Hell it could be a paricia or a Chakana. |
12 Jun 2017
I never really got on the Spooned train despite playing Kit forever, but you're making me think I should try it! My version uses Temüjin Contract instead to speed up set-up even more. Another thing I found cool was that I could swap Egret for Atman. It's a bit more expensive to pull out in an emergency, but setting up all the Fairchild 3.0s on R&D and then dropping Atman-5 is such a great feeling. With no recursion and no Sacrificial Construct, what do you do about Sapper? |
26 Jun 2017
What about Escher? You can put all code gates on HQ then System Seizure with Inversificator and The Gauntlet on HQ for easy access as well have extra options... |
3 Jul 2017
Just a note that I posted an update list here: I couldn't figure out if there was a way to simply update the original posting's card list. I see how to update the name/description, but not the card list, so I just made a new post.
Instantly checked this deck when i saw its name, nice Pavement reference ! :p Strangely this make me think that Kit is close to Malkmus, they share some kind of elegance... Maybe SM is a cyborg too :D I will definitely try your deck, as I love both Kit and SM :) Thanks for share !