This card is usually too weak to warrant deckslots, but it has many uses that are meta-dependent that might make you consider using it. These include:
-Preventing Haarpsichord Studios: Entertainment Unleashed from scoring an agenda you are unable to steal because of their ability.
-Partially trashing a high-cost asset, (preferably unprotected), such as Genetics Pavilion, Team Sponsorship, or Mumbad Virtual Tour.
-Uninstalling a potential ambush asset that is protecting upgrades in its server, such as a Project Junebug protecting a Shell Corporation and/or Expo Grid.
-Weakening a glacier scoring remote by removing defensive upgrades, such as Ash 2X3ZB9CY, Strongbox, Red Herrings, Old Hollywood Grid, etc.
-Reshuffling the deck to refresh R&D accesses during deep digs such as with Deep Data Mining, Indexing, The Maker's Eye, and Medium.
Other than this, the card seems too situational. If you find any more uses, (or if there is a meta shift), mention it in the comments below.
(Thank you OrionJA).
Seems like a decent combo with Eater. Eater limits you to accessing 0 cards, throw that 0 card access away to shuffle all cards in the scoring remote back into the deck.
— Raiddinn