Dirty Laundry - Ep 16 - Null - Basic Whistler w Vinegarymink

CodeMarvelous 20021

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sometimes its the Bhagat that saves your deck

Join me and @vinegarymink as we BUILD and TEST a Reg Null deck.

Its pretty neat, it has Atman, it gives people the sads.

19 Aug 2016 moistloaf

seems reasonable

19 Aug 2016 nutritionalzero

Bag Hat

19 Aug 2016 CodeMarvelous

@nutritionalzero Lulz

19 Aug 2016 dogstew

This looks like a blast. Thanks for sharing!

20 Aug 2016 tzeentchling

I think the deck probably needs Rumor Mill, or swap Strike for a PolOp. Otherwise Caprice can be an issue for the deck. Maybe drop the Dirty Laundry?

20 Aug 2016 moistloaf

@tzeentchling when you're making runs this efficiently Caprice isn't a huge issue. this style doesn't need Plop

20 Aug 2016 nutritionalzero

Jokes aside I played Null for the first time last weekend and my experience was very similar. Bhagat won me a game singlehandedly and I generally had no problems getting into servers (against Blue Sun's Curtain Walls no less). Rumor Mill was great with Bhagat and Null.

Two points:

There is a decent enough amount of Sandburg and NEXT stuff around so that Atman seems risky. Any other option here? I went with Knight in the "Lotus Field slot" but it was risky for its own reasons. Not happy with this slot yet.

A more general observation is that fiddling around with Datasuckers actually seems like it both enables but blunts the potential of Null's ID somehow. I would like to try a suckerless deck with efficient imported breakers just to compare. Has anyone tried?

21 Aug 2016 moistloaf

@nutritionalzero IMO Sucker is one of the reasons to break ICE with Anarch. if you're not playing Sucker and you're still playing RealNetrunnerTM you should probably just swap to another faction.

23 Aug 2016 urbanfractal

How about -2 Corroder +2 Nfr and -2 Dirty Laundry +3 Injection Attack, now that Blood Money is out?

Yes, 46 cards.