Delicate Lascannon [2-1 @ MA District, 4-2 and 7th overall]

RayS 49

It's Delicate Weapon, but in Space.

This deck was chosen to force me to learn better fundamentals and to play without SMC. On the Corp side I played Council's would-be CBI AgInf list because I just really like AgInf.

As a part of my effort to play more Intentionally, I'm also making myself record what I learned from each game.

The Deck

Hosh is still Hosh. I've seen Stargate in action at a couple recent meetups and I wanted to try it. Generally, I'm not a believer in Finality so I was glad to make the swap. I tested a few games with Keiko instead of Maw but... I drew Maw zero times on the day so.


Round 1: Win vs Cado on A Teia

They got flooded so bad that the Bacterial trigger couldn't save them.

Lesson: Take better notes during/after matches. I can't remember this game very well my notebook only says, "Bacterial. 7 to RnD. Win." @ Past Me: What am I supposed to do with that?? This is a... recurring... challenge for me >_<

Round 2: Loss vs Sunny on Esâ

My turn to get flooded! I spent a lot of time digging to try and find Spin or Attitude Adjustment and never found them. I walked away from the table feeling like it was a mistake to dig so aggressively, but now I'm not so sure.

Lesson: I need to spend more time thinking about what to do when you flood out (especially in a slower deck). Next time I flood out on Jnet I'll have to go extra deep on that replay.

Round 3: Win vs Kevin on Lat

Kevin and I played a VERY similar match at Nats last year. I.e.: his deck seemed to cough up its pieces in the complete wrong order, then I won on time.

I actually feel good about my play in this match. I assumed he was on a Deep Dive plan and I actually locked up the centrals properly before I started pushing a remote (a mistake I often make).

Lesson: positive reinforcement for what can happen when you protect your centrals properly (which sometimes includes taking steps to prevent the runner from charging Cupellation).

Round 4: Loss vs Holly on RH

Oof. I was able to steal 6 points before I got double Punitive'd. The Bacterial I stole early helped Holly get rich with double YDL. Later I found the Fujii she left for me in Archives and that enabled the flatline.

Lesson: after the match Holly was nice (genuine) enough to rattle off like ten things I did wrong. The headline was that I should have paid into the first trace even if I went broke. If she had 3x Punitive then I was dead no matter what so it was only worth playing around the 2x line and once she locks in the first trace strength then I know she can make the second unbeatable. So, I need to learn my Punitive math.

Round 5: Win vs Kyle on NEH

Shoutout to Aesopstables for continuing to match Kyle against every possible NJ player when he travels for events.

(Bones and Stargate are good.)

Lesson: Take better notes: The Sequel.

Round 6: Win vs Colin on Sable

I saw a hand with 4 ice in it and snap kept. I think Sable triggered like twice in the whole game. (Colin made the extremely rad decision to play Malandragem, but unfortunately it does nothing against this ice suite.) I spent something like 10 turns where all I did was install ice and click for credits. I stand by that line... but...

Lesson: I got so fixated on building my central igloo that I missed a scoring window and then pushed and agenda when the window had already closed.

So Much (for) Stardust

Congrats to Holly on winning it all!

Thank you to Jeff for organizing the event and for pulling my name in the playmat raffle.

Thanks to Pandemonium for providing the space (this store is so sick, wth??)

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