Void Tongue (25th @ Worlds 2023 CoS 3-2)

Gathzen 387

Thank you to NSG and all the people who were involved in the organization of Worlds. This was my first one and it was amazing!

Thank you to my teammates Robin (Startup) and Manuel (Eternal)! I'm really proud of what we accomplished!

This was my Corp deck.


I was quite surprised after the event when discussing decks with a few people to learn that Begemot Laamb Esâ was an actual thing that testing groups were working on as I was just trying this out as a funny jank deck. I first got the idea after a Métropole Grid stream where Andrej mentioned Laamb plus Yusuf in Freedom. I was always pretty fond of Begemot, but there wasn't a good way to utilize it as a main breaker, until now!

I don't think there is anything too fancy with this deck, maybe apart from Zenith Chip which is a card I really like in theory in Esâ but I don't know if it's quick enough. I left the deck with 50 cards as I knew I would be going through them pretty quickly with core damage and Zer0. I would have liked to put a second Pinhole but I couldn't find what to cut for the influence.


I think this deck performed quite well, better than what I was expecting after my testing. I got 3 wins and 2 losses. The main downside I felt during the games was a slight lack of econ and a lack of explosive tempo cards.

  • Round 1 Vs NEH: I played against Jakuza! It was an honor to play against him. I felt like I did pretty well trying to contest the key pieces he was putting out on the board, but I was losing too much tempo for that and was not able to keep up the momentum and set up quick enough. I didn't have a way to deal with the ICE and I was unable to get into the remote. He was able to score out pretty quickly.
  • Round 2 Vs Reality Plus: This was a super fun and close game. I was very luck and got 2 Spin Doctors from sabotage and was able to trash the 3rd one off of R&D meaning the Corp didn't have any recursion and so no way to manage my sabotage well. On my last turn I had to go tag-me and had to close out the game as the Corp had an End of the Line in hand and I was at 7 core damage. Thankfully I was able to grab a Bellona from Archives to win the game.
  • Round 3 Vs Asa: I was able to get good pressure on the Corp who didn't get the best start and I was able to enter all the servers without any breakers, only using Bankhar and Botulus. Thanks to that I was able to win pretty quickly.
  • Round 4 Vs Azmari: I had a pretty slow start and was maybe a bit too aggressive. It was very quickly difficult for me to interact against a glacier gameplan. I flatlined very stupidly running into a Hyra with Bankhar, when I was suspecting there might be one.
  • Round 5 Vs NEH: I was very happy with my aggression in this game and good facechecks into ICE. I got 2 very lucky snipes of agendas in HQ and won by sabotaging a Bellona and running Archives while there were no Spin Doctors on the board. I got an early pop for one of them thanks to a Light the Fire! install.

Possible changes

  • Didn't feel like the Katorga Breakouts were that useful and might as well have had a 3rd copy of what I was going to grab, Finaliy and Chastushka.
  • Making some changes to make the deck have a bit more explosive tempo. I am considering cutting Zenith Chip even if I really like them in Esâ to have some cards like Moshing and/or The Price.
  • A copy of Legwork for some good HQ multi-access after a lot of sabotage.
  • Some amount of Hush to deal with the rough glacier match-up.
  • A 2nd copy of Pinhole Threading.
  • DJ Steve for some econ recursion.