I want to quickly note that this combos with Paige Piper to let you save the other 9 cards from being trashed. And to remove extra copies of the chosen card in your deck if you choose to. This enables playing lots of redundant cards, which helps with the random nature of Frantic Coding.

"[...]this combos with Paige Piper to let you simply trash ANY AMOUNT OF extra copies of the chosen card" ... Any includes 0. —
How does that even work, rules-wise? Can anybody explain it to me, step-by-step? —
https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/android-netrunner/support/FAQ/Android-Netrunner%20FAQ.pdf If the Corp uses the ability on The Foundry during the resolution of an Accelerated Beta Test, what happens? Each piece of ice is installed and rezzed one at a time. So the Corp installs the first piece of ice and then uses The Foundry to search R&D for another copy. This results in shuffling the other two looked at cards into R&D (they never actually leave R&D), preventing them from being installed or trashed. --- same interaction here. —
@Krams Good point! I'll edit that. —
If this actually works, and I guess it does based on Goldsteps explanation, then that changes things. This card alone sucks and would only be a worst case scenario play at best. But to search out a program among 10 cards, install it and save up to two credits (more with PpVP) is something else, something really good. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. —
Obviously I mean that to do so without trashing the other nine cards is something really good. —

I can only see this card being particularly effective if played twice in the same turn, perhaps via Archived Memories. However, the conspiracy breakers make it even less effective than it ever has been.

Imagine this: You're corp, you have 8 creds and a 2 card combo in hand and the runner is tagged. And you're playing Bad Times, Archived, Bad Times? Really? What happened to good old double Scorch? :D Yes, -4 mu is devastating to a normal runner with full rig. But so are other tag punishment cards. And most of them cost waaay less. I would _maybe_ play this if it would cost 1c, but not for 4c. —
Yeah... it's really a stretch. —

Most commonly combined with Artist Colony to fetch any installable at ability speed (the only limitation is what you can fit in your deck,) Fan Site can also be used with Liberated Chela and an extra click to potentially become actual points, Frame Job for a Bad Publicity, or Data Dealer for straight cash. Those cards also let you dump negative point traps like News Team and Shi.Kyū for a profit, should your opponent offer that opportunity.

Great targets for Artist Colony include Icebreakers, New Angeles City Hall, Plascrete Carapace, Film Critic, R&D Interface, Clot, Security Nexus, Hades Shard, etc.

Do note that this can become a liability with Philotic Entanglement, however.


5 install? 2 to break stuff? 1 strength? An insanely overpriced extra ability? Sounds bad, right?

Well, except for that one line of text: 2: +4 strength. This card is basically Ninja 2.0. Doesn't have to pump for Komainu, takes on Assassin (and most sentries) for 4 instead of 5. Same influence cost. That extra 1 you spend on install is made up for on the first break in almost all cases. (Exceptions being the few 0-strength sentries, essentially just Tour Guide.) It can also be compared to GS Shrike M2, which sees play despite being a Sunny breaker, with Golden pumping better, breaking worse. It even beats Mongoose versus (a few) big sentries (with 4+ strength)!

Basically, its stats are solid. It will see play. (But it has tough competition, from Mongoose on one side and Shrike on the other.)

The derez ability will rarely be relevant. The main exceptions are saving itself from Apocalypse while derezzing Architect, derezzing Janus 1.0/an unadvanced Orion/Archer for a net cost of 13 + click to install, in conjunction with London Library for a free install (there lies jank,) and/or with Nasir Meidan: Cyber Explorer. Costing 11 to install/break/derez doesn't sound so bad when you gain 7 for encountering the Assassin in the first place. They just might refuse to rez it at all. They'll still rez the small stuff, though.

It is better than ninja, but no cheaper than mongoose on the common str 4 ichi 1.0. it's good against assassin but falls short against the majority of other common sentries —
Ofc Orion has it's own built-in strategy against derezzing: if advanced high enough, the rez cost becomes too low for Golden to create a swing for the runner. That basically leaves Janus 1.0 as the only Sentry with rez cost greater than 9. —
That's quite true! (I'll edit that.) —