This is actually a neat little economy card. It's got a lot going on underneath the surface.
Assuming you get this card down before anything is scored, the maximum number of credits you can gain over its lifetime is 12, as both players hit 6-6 (or 10 and 5-5 against Harmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer). Remember, if someone hits 7 agenda points the game is just over and the credit gain is meaningless.
By itself, that is crazy good. 12 credits of clickless economy!? Sign me up!
But not so fast. There are some caveats there. First thing to realize is that the later you play the card, the worse your total gain is. If you don't draw into it until the score is already 5-4, then it's probably not worth playing, because the next agenda probably ends the game.
So, to make sure you get it soon enough, you might throw in 2x or 3x. But it's a unique, meaning that every time you draw one past the first it's a dead draw, a wasted click at a time when you are likely digging to find a breaker.
This card also benefits from a very close game. If either side manages to take an early lead, the maximum benefit decreases. Even then, though, it's still a good play early game; if played at 0-0, the minimum credit gain is 4 (2 pointer then 2 pointer then 3 pointer to win the game), which is still an acceptable return on investment.
Overall, I'd say this card is powerful and versatile enough to be worth playing, and at 2 influence I wouldn't be surprised to see it appear out-of-faction.