This card is bonkers! And makes any strategy that keeps servers open hard to play. And for a while now I haven't played against a deck without it.
Let's start with some actions...
- Run 3x times, play Apocalypse wipe the board end of your turn install all your Crowdfundings from the bin and gain tempo compared to your opponent.
- You can Run 3x, discard Crowdfunding at the end of your turn and install it from your heap (Nisei Rules 1.1,
- Play Hayley, Run 3x install Crowdfunding from the bin, trigger your ability and get a clickless install! This means you can't installed anything within your turn.
- You can counter Scarcity of Resources when installing it from your heap, as it still costs 0!
- You can sell Crowdfundings to Aesop's Pawnshop and reinstall them after Running 3x
It synergieses with everything that wants to run.
It works very well with Liza Talking Thunder: Prominent Legislator as you don't care when they trash your Crowdfundings. And of coure Gabriel Santiago: Consummate Professional. It plays well together with cards like: Paragon, Bankroll, Aumakua, Hot Pursuit, Diversion of Funds, Security Testing, Sneakdoor Beta. When you are a Shaper you can add: Takobi, Kyuban, Beth Kilrain-Chang as with 5 clicks 3 runs is much easier and Cyberdelia although it only pays you once per turn but make 3 runs much easier. As Anarch it works well with Bad Pub (Val), Yusuf, Datasucker and anything else that will load while running that is why you see a lot of them currently and anything that kill ICE like Hippo, Knifed, Spooned, Forked. And of course The Turning Wheel as well as Prey. Works well as a resource in tag me decks, as your opponent usually doesn't trash it.
It allows you to have an endless economy as long as you are able to run 3x within one turn, every like 3 turns.
It's biggest enemy is Slot Machine or other cheap rez hard to break ICE like News Hound or Cortex Lock. And as a result Mti when you are not running Employee Strike. Not to forget Targeted Marketing and as a result Sol do you really want to give the corp 10 credits to get 3 & a card?
On the other hand, against a net damage deck like PU which plays 1000 cuts, you don't want to draw that much. In this cases you might don't like it drawing you cards and having your hand clogged with cards.
And of course, we get that sweet Alt Art in our Store Champ 2019 Kits!