This ICE captures the spirit of pop-up windows perfectly: draining for the recipient and generates some wealth for you! This will almost never stop the runner, but it has the ability to get the Corp a lot of money over the course of the game.

It's very effective against runners who rely on Desperado, Security Testing or other economy from running. It's much more useful early game, the install costs of placing this ICE deep would greatly affect its cash flows. Hope for one early and watch the ad money flow! They'll be praying for Adblocker.


A dangerous, cheap card with a very useful ability. For the price of 1 the runner can use 5 clicks a turn! The tags you accrue, though, dictate what decks this card can be used against. Don't even consider it against Weyland unless you've got Plascrete Carapace and plenty of card drawing power. NBN loves a tagged runner so they can Psychographics or boost an Information Overload to board-clearing strength. Jinteki and HB should be okay overall.

This card works well with Wanton Destruction, Data Leak Reversal, and Activist Support. However, being tagged means that all resources are susceptible to being trashed, so if you use this, have multiples. It lacks in synergy right now, but the power of this card should not be overlooked.

Use the Fall Guy, Luke :) —
or NACH. Decoy if your plan is to keep it only for a short period, though that is debateable. Crash space can be included as another form of meat damage prevention, but meat damage isn't the only way you'll get punished as mentioned in the review (it does provide credits to get rid of tags later if the game goes that way - but then theoretically the Joshua B clicks aren't gained so much as brought forward) —
I imagine the purpose is to fully power up a Stimhack for one last big run. —

Strong synergy with Jesaminer Sareen, being able to avoid the tag automatically makes Joshua B that much more nasty. Just trigger Joshua at the beginning of each turn, and use Jesaminders ability to avoid the tag. If you happen to get tagged otherwise during that turn, you're already up one click, making it just 2 credits to remove it. The efficiency gained on the turns you aren't additionally tagged is significant, creating a much more affordable and harder to remove version of Rachel Beakman, who every corp hates to see dropped on the table.

A solid breaker against medium-power sentries. On the positive side, it is a whopping 5 power for 3, which is more efficient for 4 or higher strength sentries than Femme Fatale or Mimic. It also works on its own, unlike Dagger or Switchblade. So, with Ninja you are more safe from sentries like Ichi 1.0, Taurus, or Uroboros. However, against stronger ice like Archer, get ready to spend 6 on power.

Overall, like all Criminal breakers, it is very powerful but inflexible. You spend a lot of credits for lots of power, in many cases more than you need. It will be more efficient than a Femme Fatale in pure power but lacking in her useful ability. However, there are few stable sentry breakers, so this can fit into many more decks than Aurora or maybe even Peacock.

So Ninja should be used with Datasucker support. Which is why it can still be found in some Andysucker decks. If you never have to pay to boost Ninja gets a lot better, though that can be said of any breaker. —

Compared to other fracters, this has a higher install cost than Breach or Corroder, lower power, and only becomes stronger in very specific instances. +1 per ice broken is unwieldy unless a server has a huge reliance on barriers. For example, you would need to run into all three of a deck's Eli 1.0 in one run to equal a Corroder in credits. It would be more reliable if it kept strength like Gordian Blade or Pipeline, but as it is, it is difficult to recommend.

Actually, Snowball would cost 10 credits vs. Corroder's 12 to get through 3 Eli in a row. —
Don't forget, it's "+1 per subroutine", not per ICE. That give Snowball a bit more of a punch. —
Still underwhelming. The "snowball effect" will almost never matter, and when it does it's unlikely to matter more than Corroder +1 permanent strength and -2 install cost. —
I think it is worth pointing out that this card, unlike Breach or Corroder, is a Shaper card. Yes, it won't be as efficient as either of those, but it doesn't completely suck and can be included in a Shaper deck at no influence, freeing up that precious resource for other cards. If you have the influence to include Corroder as a Shaper, do so, but otherwise, use this. 1 credit for +1 strength and 1 credit per subroutine is actually pretty good, compared to some alternatives. —

Oh, Wyrm. Easily one of the worst AI breakers around. While very cheap to install, actually using it will drain your credits quickly. 3 to break 1 subroutine, and that is if the ice is at zero strength! Only with Datasucker, Ice Carver, and a prayer is this card even remotely useful.

To beat something as basic as an Eli 1.0, this will cost you 6 for subroutines, not to mention reducing its power by 4. 10 later, you beat it. e3 Feedback Implants are an absolute must with this.

Don't let the cool dragon fool you, this is weaker than almost any alternative out there. Just use Crypsis, Overmind, or a Parasite.

That this card breaks any subroutines at all is largely an afterthought. This card is designed to be a support piece which lowers ice strength, to allow some other effects to fire. —
Also slight correction on the math. It in fact costs 13 credits to break Eli, not 10. 3 to pump Wyrm, 4 to debuff Eli, then 6 to break. Shatner's right, though. The only reason Wyrm even can break subroutines is the off chance you drew poorly and have to get into a server before your Parasite or Darwin is ready. —
Oh whoops, you have to boost Wyrm's strength in addition to weakening Eli? Man, this is even worse. —
Wyrm's great at polishing off something reeling under parasite and data sucker drain. —