Gabe the Douchebag

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johncraven 317

This deck is all about early aggression. Run and facecheck ices early to prevent the corp from stabilizing. Look for quick solutions to allow you to siphon and prolong the early game.

You will score a few agendas early game from random HQ/R&D/Remote runs that you intended to do anyway to generate money through desperado/Gabe's innate.

To close out the game, set up the R&D lock to grab the last few points needed.

If all goes well, the corp will be constantly poor and unable to execute its strategy.

Stimhack is a good card for two reasons. You can use it early game with Savoir-faire to drop an early icebreaker such as Garrote, and late game to get through expensive centrals, especially HQ (to enable Emergency Shutdown).

Click management is important for this deck: knowing what actions to do with which clicks in what order is crucial. You should not tip off your opponent by signaling your intentions on your final click of a turn. Savoir-faire is important in that regard because it helps with click compression and not revealing to the corp what icebreakers you have already.

The main weakness of the deck is that it's prone to power shutdown and sea source scorch, due to the fact that running often is a major part of the strategy. There's no real good way to address this except to use Savoir-faire to absorb power shutdown and have plascrete up if low on money. Also make sure you don't lose both of your corroders, since there is no recursion in the deck.

In the future, the decoder composition will probably change once Honor & Profit comes out. Passport will be an important card. I will also try experimenting with Torch.

This version of the deck won the Store Championship at Teddy 'N Me.


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