[NEO] Nightcrawler

easterncalculus 763

This deck is an edit of one of my own Startup decks, Nyctalope’s Master Plan (itself an edit of the incredible Sneaky Boys Don’t Gamble). Now that the Neo format is here, I decided to go back and dust off some of my old Ashes Startup decks. This one plays much like the original, but with some minor changes:

  • Cybernetics are IN: Az is a cyborg, so of course he’d be all about cybernetics. What’s that? Masterwork (v37) isn’t a cybernetic? Let’s fix that.
  • A Fistful of Agendas: We have much more multi-access now, thanks to:
  • Armed and Dangerous: Corporations beware! Az has a whole new arsenal of weapons at his disposal!

How does it play?

In the larger format, I was interested to see how aesops az functioned and so threw in more multi-access to try and speed up our wincon. However, I feel this may have tipped the deck a little too much into one direction, with potentially more setup required for payoff and a tougher time just doing our regular gameplay loop. That said, if we’re lucky enough to draw our essentials (Masterwork (v37), Prognostic Q-Loop, Aesop's Pawnshop and Mantle) early on, then it is possible to ride that wave to victory.

3 Jul 2023 amargo.retruco

Just love it! You may have swapped zenit for wake in the writeup tho ^^

3 Jul 2023 easterncalculus

@amargo.retruco: nice catch! I think I fixed those errors 😅