Uneventful (1st, Montreal Regionals, 2015)

semaphores 472

2 Jun 2015 ggDropbear

Cacheshop in a non-Noise deck? Fall Guy? What is this madness. On the plus side, it looks like it would build somewhat fast. Have you considered replacing Professional Contacts with Symmetrical Visage (THE BABY)?

2 Jun 2015 semaphores

Early Hayley builds often struggled with economy, so Cache and Aesop's Pawnshop, often being click-free low-credit installs, proved valuable. Fall Guy is useful vs resource trashing, since Professional Contacts and Personal Workshop are quite vulnerable to Breaking News or Snatch and Grab. I have thought about replacing Professional Contacts with Symmetrical Visage, but this deck usually uses Professional Contacts at least two or three times a turn, so Symmetrical Visage wouldn't be enough card draw.

2 Jun 2015 Daine

One lady with no recursion, scavenge, and only one atman? It seems a single ice wall kills this deck.

3 Jun 2015 ggDropbear

@DaineI'm assuming Clone Chip is all the recursion you need.

3 Jun 2015 semaphores

@Daine, like @ggDropbear said, having 3 Clone Chips gets you through 16 Ice Walls with a single Cerberus "Lady" H1. 3 Parasite handles Ice Wall pretty nicely too, as well as Atman at 1, in a pinch. Also, you don't see many Ice Walls these days.

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