Slow Advance

Waltzard 407

I don't mean "slow" as in "not fast", I mean slow advance the same way that fast advance decks mean fast. I mean slower than 2 rounds. 3 rounds, 4 rounds, advance in a leisurely fashion.

Cool points about this deck: 0: 5 Agendas in 45 cards. Very hard for runner (or you) to find them. Game tends to go long, allowing Fort Weyland to be constructed. 1: Don't care about film critic. 2: Junebug game is tight. You've got 3 bugs, 5 agendas, so very close to coinflip.

Cons: 1: Weak economy, always broke (until you take over the gov, obviously). 2: Sometimes lose before get going.

This deck plays at a leisurely pace. Frequently turn goes auto draw, first click install ice, second click BWBI advance, third click take a credit, pass turn.

Generally, your priority early on is to ice up your HQ and R&D. Later on you can ice Archives and one sub. Placidly build your ice and wait for the deck to tell you what to do.

29 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

A couple things I noticed immediately:

You aren't running BWBI but you reference it in your description.

You are only at 45 cards (you should be at 49 to reduce agenda density even more and include more card quality).

Scoring Government Takeover, especially without any scoring tricks, is a pipe dream. You might consider adding a third Back Channels and maybe swap the High-Risk Investments for Government Contracts. You aren't tracing the runner outside tags and you have no control over when the runner hits those subs (if he ever does) so the consistent econ will likely work better for you.

Don't include 3x Orion without a really good reason; it's unique.

29 Sep 2015 Waltzard

good points.

BWBI is the actual identity I used. I misclicked on that one.

That's a good idea about increasing deck size. There are definitely economy cards I'd love to include.

I actually scored Gov takeover at the tourney I took it to. Other player figured it was a junebug.

Gov contracts is pretty sweet, I think I'll use it instead of High Risk, thanks.

It feels weird to take more Back Channels, I can't use it for Ice right? The only time I use it is when a Junebug doesn't work. 3 feels like a lot of cards for that situation (sometimes you don't build a big junebug, other times it fires).

Orion, I didn't realize that was unique. Shame, its some of my favorite ice. I'll swap in a pair of other ice. Is there an ice tutor? That would be sweet.

29 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

You can always drop more advancement tokens on a Project Junebug that failed to hit, then burn them later for a massive boost when you draw into Back Channels. For that reason I think it's worth three, but maybe you could slot a single Ghost Branch to legitimize the play a bit more. It also lets you use that Government Takeover as advanceable trap bluff a little more effectively, and empowers your Scorched Earth (which I really don't see you landing otherwise).

There is an ICE tutor: Levy University. Any generic tutors work as well.

29 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Something else you might consider is just swapping the Scorched Earths for Punitive Counterstrikes; they hit as hard or harder than a SE in most cases here and you pretty much have to kill the runner after they steal an agenda as two will almost always win them the game.

This alleviates you from needing to tag the runner at all, allowing you to take some nastier ICE like Grim, Checkpoint, or Swarm.

29 Sep 2015 Waltzard

Given film critic starting to pop up all over the place, I'm trying to build decks that don't mind it. Thus, scorched rather than punitive. I'm actually tempted to drop the kill entirely, just rely on net damage from jinteki splash to get flatline wins and mostly try to advance 2 agendas.

The illicit ice is certainly nastier, but I'm trying to stick with Ice I can advance (mostly, couldn't resist HIVE) to take advantage of BWBI credits.