Recycling Hayley (1-2 NYC Uncommons SC)

EnderA 504

Once DJ Fenris (choosing Geist) and a few Tech Traders are down, the deck accelerates rapidly into insane piles of cash. After a point, Sure Gamble is no longer worth playing.

I tried Ankusa under the theory that it would help versus Border Control, but ultimately I think Lady (or even Gauss) is better because you need efficient access ASAP, not more lategame lockdown potential. If the game goes long enough, you're extremely favored to win against anything already.

Khusyuk was an interesting addition that I think is worthwhile. You have 5 1-costs down permanently, with 3 Clone Chips and 2 DaVinci to supplement. Mid-game when you're trying to be aggressive against a fast deck it gives you immense pressure on R&D at little cost. You can Spy Camera afterward since it shuffles, too. One is all you need, with 3 Levy and a bunch of Spy Cams.

Deus X is great, it is obviously effective versus DNA Tracker, Anansi, Chiyashi, and Fairchild 3, which makes early facechecks much safer (and could ruin a Blue Sun-Chiyashi-Oversight AI turn 1.) It also saves you in case you're worried about Project Junebug/Ronin/Complete Image/etc. Having a silver bullet that gives you tempo instead of costing you tempo is very useful, and MTI's prevalence makes it worth its slot even without Panchatantra.

Clot won me the game versus Titan FA during the tournament, and won me a later post-tourney casual game as well. Street Peddler is good, but is pretty clearly the least-important influence, so that was the obvious cut. Clot is important when you'll reach a point where no remote can really stop you, and your enemy becomes fast advance.

The biggest hurdle with this deck is turn-1 Scarcity of Resources. (Possibly backed up with turn-3 Scarcity of Resources after I nab an agenda.) Ultimately you just have to play through it, even if that means clicking for credits to install Tech Traders. While it would be nice to have a counter-current on hand at the start of the game, it would take slots that are better served oiling the machine. Once you're up and running Scarcity is basically irrelevant. If the game goes on long enough, you'll reach mid-late game and have piles of money regardless.

Changes I would make:

-1 Ankusa, +1 Cerberus "Lady" H1, definitely. It was cute and fun, but costs far too much early game. The game may end before Ankusa comes online. The game should end before you run out of Levy's/Clone Chips, especially with Engolo as backup.

-1 Bazaar, +1 DaVinci or +1 Same Old Thing, maybe. I never had a game go long enough for Bazaar to truly shine. 2 DaVincis can help escape Scarcity if there's an open server, just note that the cost increase affects DaVinci installs, too. Same Old Thing protects you from losing all 3 Levy AR Lab Access, which is devastating. DaVinci also lets you install hardware on the Corp's turn, doubling Hayley triggers.

Cutting the last Peddler and a Spy Camera for a second Hostage also seems viable. DJ Fenris/Tech Trader consistency is valuable.

2 Apr 2019 gilesdavis

You're speaking my language, Cams Hayley is one of the funnest archetypes there is imo.

Our post DF lists are VERY similar, but my breaker suite is going a different direction; Lady, Gordian, Na'no, 2x Deus X, and... 2x Pelangi! Pelangi is the special sauce and really makes it sing. It synergises with everything:

Deus- strong early rush (4c to break any single ice server) and for glacier you can Deus a Surveyor etc

Gordian- chose this over Engolo as it retains strength, if you boost it big on the outside ice, pelangi a subsequent.

Na'no- often more efficient than other breakers on deep servers.

Lady- convert shit to barrier if you haven't found the breaker you need, or if you're poor and just need Lady's efficiency.

100% agree that there aren't slots for currents here, as much as it hurts when you hit Mti, Bazaar defs ain't worth a slot, and a second Hostage is probably the right call.

2 Apr 2019 EnderA

@gilesdavisOoh, Pelangi! That is a very interesting idea. What cuts would you make for space?

2 Apr 2019 gilesdavis

I hit you up on stimslack :)