
ejg5124 55

Alrighty, more jank here.

This is based off of those powerful self-mill MTG decks. Basic idea is:

1) Mulligan for ProCon. If you dont get it, draw like a mad-person.

2) Keep drawing, installing ProCon and SMC. Other cards to consider installing: Kati Jones, Film Critic, SoT. Use hyperdrivers as soon as you get them to power through even faster. However, save 1 for after the combo (i.e. it should be installed when you go off).

3) You should be discarding every turn; in order to get value out of this, Freelance away your programs that aren't Trope. Other cards you should keep in your hand: Windfall and Levy, though with SOT installed you could discard it instead (Not recommended).

4) IMPORTANT: Install Trope (ideally through SMC) so that on the turn when you would run out of cards in the deck it has EXACTLY 3 counters. (Usually as early as turn 2 or 3)

5) Start of the first turn with 0 cards in the stack: Use hyperdriver, trope in the 3 monoliths, Use those 3 windfalls to gain 54 creds, then Levy and start an actual game of Netrunner.

Granted you may have lost at this point, but I'll be damned if it isn't fun. I went with an expensive breaker suite as you'll find that 54 creds doesn't go nearly as far as you'd like it to, so these expensive guys help mitigate the fact that your other econ options are kind of weak. Also, the second pass through the deck you want to have decent windfall targets. Depending on which breakers you go with/matchups, either console can work.

Obviously a work in progress, so any ideas for improvements/changes are welcome (besides the obvious improvement of using a different, actually viable strategy).