Beginner Corp Weyland

Mad Tinkerer 228


I wanted to show the game to a friend but I really don't like the Nisei Starter/Booster decks, so I made an easy to use deck for every main faction.

For these deck I wanted to stay close to the current standart pool (Standart Banlist 21.10) but if I knew of a easier to use card that's almost the same I took that (for example Viktor 1.0 instead of Hákarl 1.0 ). Also I put only 2 copies of most cards into the decks to be able to use more different cards.

This Deck

This is the deck I would recommand to make a first game (as Corp) because it helps with advancing which is needed to win.

This is a straight forward deck, score behind ice and if the runner is rich enough to get in you have a problem, however it is pretty good at making runs expensive.

Also to slow the runner down you got the Public Trail Retribution combo.

Matchups (with my other Beginner decks)

Criminal -> Pros: you can early prevent runs with Ice Wall, Whitespace. Cons: HQ is your biggest weakness since you need to protect Archives and you also have a high Agenda density.

Shaper -> Pros: You are fast, and that's your only option (but you need at least a 2 deep server before you can start scoring comfortably). Cons: Once the runner has his set up he can remotecamp you and has strong multiaccess on R&D, which you can't do much against.

Anarch -> Pro+Con, you got strong ice which you can make even stronger ... but then they are a better target to get destroyed.

Some notes to specific cards

Hollywood Renovation -> The standart legal 5/3 Agendas didn't feel great for a beginner experience and with all the advancable Ice it fits pretty well.

Prisec -> It's the only "trick" that you got. You can force the runner to take a tag if they want to access a certain server.

Gene Splicer -> I felt like you need something that you can use when the runner camps your remote server

NGO Front -> Strong econ with your ID and one more option to provocate a run.

28 May 2022 valerian32

Nice concepts! = D