I added 1-of End of the Line and then killed Runners with it

rubenpieters 226

Fun (?) fact, this is my second worlds attendance and both times I brought an Urban Renewal deck. I'll go collect my sicko badge at the front desk.


The origins of this deck was a shower thought on using Mavirus to surprise a suspected easy trash of an Urban Renewal with Manegarm + Formicary. Back in belgian nationals, I was on a kind of different version with 3 Mavirus and was able to land it a bit more consistently. Wasn't really able to use it that consistently in the swiss at worlds.

In this version I cut a bit of the cuteness to add some tag punishment. I only added a one-of End of the Line for two reasons: 1. The implication to the Runner in the swiss that I am on more tag punishment. 2. I didn't want to clog my hand too much, and even simply having the runner be tagged without any punishment is really useful for this deck, to trash key resources like Twinning, DJ Fenris or even hold them off on installing Casts/Liberated/.. . The title refers to the fact that I killed 2 Runners with EotL despite having only 1 of it in the list (and once even the Runner saw it on R&D exactly the turn before, where there was no way for them to prevent me killing with it, I'm so sorry!)

This deck had 2 losses over the swiss tournament at worlds. At worlds I lost against rustryder, where he was focusing on centrals and not on my doom Urban Renewal remote. Which was definitely a good call as I had overprotected the remote a bit and identified that weakness. I was initially lucky to trash a few steelskins with the first Urban Renewal, but on the other Urban Renewal fires I never managed to find an Azef Protocol for the win. An Above the Law I intended to FA next round ended up being sniped and eventually The Twinning found the agendas piling up.

In the first round of the second day I did a 241 with mildesorte. This was an extremely tense and close game. He was doing an okay job at keeping up contesting my board. I had no bad Maw trashes, but eventually he did end up running out of cards and almost out of credits. I had 1 Urban Renewal ready that would be a guaranteed kill whether he trashed it or left it due to Overseer Matrix/End of the Line or Angelique/Hostile Architecture. But he did his last-ditch The Twinning run to see one of the SDSes in R&D and get up to 7 points.

Card Choices

There's so many possibilities of tweaking the deck, I had at least 3-4 different variations I was considering to bring. I brought this one because it was the version I felt like had the best chance against Hoshiko. But I'm sure some other world attendees have found even better lists. Shoutout to jan tuno's list, it looks amazing and I will definitely try that version as well.

3 Regolith Mining Licenses

Having played more and more with this card, I am really happy about this 3-of slot. It really fixes your economy, as without it I often felt you are clicking for credits a lot. Emptying 1 out is often enough for the remainder of the game and allows you to coast on the occassional Svyatogor triggers, as people are getting more familiar with the deck and are often trashing it on sight. Regolith can also sit in the remote protected by upgrades while you click it, and it eventually searches a Renewal, or it's extra fodder to search an Overseer Matrix/Tithe.


The upgrades are a really versatile way of protecting your assets while being able to keep your ice for your centrals. Often it takes the Runner quite a bit of effort to get rid of an Angelique + Overseer + Urban Renewal remote.

Recoco vs. Audacity

I have recoco for 3 reasons: 1. I don't want Audacity to clog my hand, especially with 3 Slash and Burn. 2. it is searchable for a more consistent Azef kill 3. If the Runner leaves it around then with enough counters you can score an SDS. An SDS score is amazing with this deck to trash a breaker or even get to 7 points on purely fast advance.


I simply need a 1-cost ice to ensure I can get Spin Docter when FA-ing agendas.


Thanks to all the volunteers, fellow NSG members, fellow belgian players, everyone I was able to meet and all other players attending the event. I had a really fun time in Barcelona!

18 Oct 2023 AlPi

Tithe is based