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Based on esutter479's "Bug Zapper" build, I wanted to gear this more toward completely dismantling the runner's plans, trying to fill in the cracks that Chronos Protocol leaves behind. If they manage to stick key breakers before you can get to them, you have Rototurret and Ichi. If the aforementioned key breaker happens to be a killer or AI, Will-o-the-Wisp is the backup plan. I messed with the economy a bit, as well. I'm not entirely sold on Shi.Kyu in place of Shock!, but it's something different to experiment with.
I'd love to hear suggestions/comments for improving this! My Netrunner scene is extremely limited, so I'm not as experienced in competitive play.
Also, bonus points to whoever gets the rather obscure reference in the deck title.
11 Sep 2015
11 Sep 2015
It may have been an understatement calling the title "obscure" haha, but it's from "Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem," for Gamecube. Every character you played as was fated to die, and it always happened at 3:33. A supernatural force manipulating fate seemed appropriate with what this deck was trying to do. I've always been a fan of Medical Research Fundraiser, especially in builds like this. Credits won't do them much good if they have no programs. I added Komainu to offset the hand size boost from Mental Health Clinic, turning it into a nasty tax if they try to draw up. I'll be doing a decent amount of testing, as well. I've been pumped about this ID since it was spoiled, and I support your quest for perfecting its machinations! :) |
I'm sad to say that I do not get the title reference. :( However, I am digging the ICE suite...very nice indeed. :) I would be SO down if Highlander ICE turned out to be the way to go! There's a lot of opportunity here, not only just browsing each other's deck lists, but in discussion as well. I'm always looking for improvements and changes, so this is an auto-fave. Medical Research Fundraiser is certainly interesting, as it kind of works well with the whole rig killing factor. It's like dangling a carrot in front of a horse and saying "Here ya go!". :P
I'm gonna do extensive testing on OCTGN with my version, as well as at the local store. I REALLY want this ID and our concepts for it to shine, and I won't stop until I get what I want! :)