[STANDARD] I did it again

Diogene 4186

Finish early and end the suffering of the runner (see the quote of the ID).

end this suffering

Inspired by Andrej and Ysengrin streams, this is my take on the Keeling act (before it get banned).

Game plan : flatline the runner through punishment for scoring or not slotting Light the Fire.

Mulligan plan : Dr. Vientiane Keeling or ices.

Dr. Vientiane Keeling allow us to make sure the runner will have as little cards as possible when they score an agenda. Letting us flatline them with Punitive Counterstrike with ease.

Money wise, our ID incentize us to trash something (especially with Hansei Review). As soon as you have Punitive Counterstrike in hand, trashing an agenda is actually an amazing trap for the runner. Either they let you get 1 a turn or you get to flatline them.

Vovô Ozetti is amazing at making the 3+ ices on top of Dr. Vientiane Keeling much less expensive. Bonus points if you had a Tatu-Bola there that could trigger, for an extra 2 gain.

Vampyronassa can power up Anoetic Void. But we rely mainly on Bio Vault, because it solve the problem of Pinhole Threading.

Because our deck size is smaller, we get our main piece early, allowing us to setup our remote before the runner has time to setup. Games will often finish before turn 10. And with 6 agendas in 44 cards, we have the best agenda density that can be. The runner needs to steal literally half our agendas. Any of which can spell the doom of the runner. You'll get about 5 from the ID, but the deck size is a better attribute for us.

The real weakness of this deck is Light the Fire!, since we do not have Border Control. Using is cancel our defensive upgrades. But only Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist really play this anymore, so I do not worry about it much.

Testing this was fun. Contrary to AgInfusion, this deck does not feel poor and seemed consistent in casual.


1 Sep 2023 Jeffrey Bosboom

Compared to sebastiank's APAC list, you don't have Your Digital Life to get big money, but because you're playing only 3-pointers (no Regenesis), you can kill with a single Punitive Counterstrike by dumping two agendas in Archives (including using Bacterial Programming's on-steal to trash another agenda). You're not going to score anyway if you're protecting Keeling in the remote.

If games are finishing early, is Mlinzi particularly useful here? The Runner can just trash from the stack once, possibly twice, and they can still steal a Fujii Asset Retrieval as the last agenda.

1 Sep 2023 Diogene

@Jeffrey Bosboom, you are correct. Mlinzi was chosen because it is pretty punishing, among ices provided by Jinteki. But I am open to suggestions.

Maybe we could replace one Vovô Ozetti for a Your Digital Life?

What do you think?