NOISE: ANRPC Great Lakes Circuit Bloomington, IN Winner

travisrchance 2261

Let's preface this with a link to the original article about this deck:

If you checked out the original list, not a lot changed, but what little did made a substantial difference. The deck is very straightforward; not a ton of high variance cards in here, not a glut of viruses to attempt a durdle mill strategy, just good stuff and the money to play it. I have been playing this in my league here in Indy, wherein I have lost 2 games out of 30 with this build.

Today I drove down to Bloomington and played in the ANRPC Qualifier, which had 17 other players battling it out over 5 rounds. I lost a single game all day (corp side), with a definite squeaker in round 2 where I managed to beat an EtF deck on 6 points with Mandatory Upgrades scored.

From memory, I played 3 other EtF decks, a Near Pad kill deck, and Blue Sun kill deck with Government Takeover. Admittedly, most of my games were close in terms of the corp player hitting 5-6 points. I attribute some of this to weird draws (I had a game where my bottom 5 cards were SMC, SCM, Chip, Chip, Chip--not a hot one.). The pedigree of my opponents was definitely high--I played the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th place winners, all of which who were deserving foes.

I won't bother to rattle off strategy here, as anyone remotely familiar with the deck should be able to garner how it plays--or you can just read the original post. The 2 Wantons are clutch in this deck--I want to fit in a 3rd kinda, but 2 feels like enough. It has stable econ, diverse breakers, recursion galore, and, most importantly, IMP! Imp is seriously bananas right now. Play 3 if you are playing any. I rely on Imp for disruption/calling the audible into a milling strategy where needed.

That's all for now! Thanks to Lucas Cook and Dave Kempe for hosting! Let the debate/interrogation/penis measuring begin!

Oh, and here is my corp deck from the event:

14 Jun 2015 x3r0h0ur

congrats on the win. Love to see new decks doing their think controlling the competition.

I was curious if you think that this shell could feasibly be applied to other anarchs. Seems like it would be nearly or just as good in whizzard, espeically in a jinteki and HB heavy meta.

Also, curious why cy-cy and not atman. Atman at 4 (very common) answers a lot of the same questions I feel that cy-cy answers, and has the benefit of being able to break all types, offers a solution to excalibur, and the only downside is a fair increase in cost. Have you tested Atman in that slot?

14 Jun 2015 travisrchance

@x3r0h0ur Thanks! I suppose this could be applied to other corps, but the passive mill is def a bonus for this deck, as it provides disruption and another possible win condition/another front the corp has to protect.

I had Atman in the original list. I found it to be $ exhaustive to combat one of the few hosers for this deck: Lotus Field. Having to SMC Atman and pay an additional 4 feels a lot like losing. I talk a lil' about Cypher in the original thread and am very happy with it as a silver bullet. It is cheap and easy to reset with Chips and such. I used Cypher twice in this event, and were it Atman, I would have certainly given up a lot of tempo and more than likely summarily lost due to that.

15 Jun 2015 x3r0h0ur

Yea, I can see that. It runs more south on the econ (stable but lower), and having a codegate answer that is cheap can easily let you snipe remotes, makes sense. It also can be nice for RP since these days the archives de facto ice is Crick. This lets you get in fast and grab the pile of agendas late game if you need to. Seems solid.

I'm sure wanton is good (i love the 3 in the maxx deck), but I'm interested in testing out Ed Kim (casual play, I promise), and swapping the wantons to stimhacks. This gives you more ambush, and ed's ability can stand in for wanton, with imp playing backup. I just love stimhack with SMC + CC, and you have a boostable breaker of each type, so you can really put the squeeze on remotes. I really think the shell is great, but as with most anarch builds, its probably just better as Noise. That said, Kim gets no love, Tuesday night netrunner is a good place to give it some games :)

If you do a write up, post the link here or on the Indy group and I'll be sure to check it out.