Quetzal the Evolutionist (v 0.2)

Agnate 20

This is a Quetzal deck I put together. After seeing her ability and how it can tie into e3 Feedback Implants, I wanted to throw something together.


Darwin - Your under-5 strength breaker. Bring this guy up to +4 and leave it there (until you get purged, of course). Use Surge when you get purged to bring it back up to +3 as quickly as possible. Use Cyberfeeders to pay for the virus counters (and for installing it if they're already out).

D4v1d - Your 5+ strength breaker. Combined with e3 Feedback Implants and Knight, 3 of these should last you the game. If not, use Levy AR Lab Access to reset and get more.

Knight - Added this to help combat the turns where you get purged. Can lend assistance to D4v1d when that happens and combos well with e3 Feedback Implants.

Mimic - This is here to combat Swordsman ICE. It can really wreck this deck if you run into it.

Server Access

Medium and Nerve Agent - Use these to get some multi-access going on. I try to bring out whichever one the Corp seems to be struggling with, as there isn't room for every program.

Imp - This card is amazing. <3


Stimhack - Good for emergency economy. With Box-E out you can afford to take a few brain damage, so might as well include it.

Kati Jones - Good long-term economy. Keep her topped up and free of tags and you'll be golden.

Liberated Account - Great burst economy.

Dirty Laundry - I originally had Sure Gamble in here, but I always seemed to be lacking money when it came up. Opted for this because making runs is good and it's cheaper to get a return with.

Draw and Utility

I've Had Worse and Earthrise Hotel - These are for tackling Jinteki (where you'll need the card draw) and to find your breakers and economy.

Levy AR Lab Access - Usually you'll draw this early and discard it. Use a Same Old Thing if you're playing a long game and you need an economy refresh.

Box-E - Just seemed like the best console for this deck since you're drawing a lot anyways. Also enables Stimhack for emergency economy and gives you +2 memory to boot.

e3 Feedback Implants - Enables your runner identity ability along with all your breakers (save for Mimic). Must have in this deck.

Inside Job - Included this in those moments where you just need to sneak through. Good in the early game when you're trying to set up and also fit the leftover 3 influence I had.