How is it possible that this ID does not have a review? One of the most fun IDs to both play against and as, The Outfit asks the Corp player to give the Runner +1 credit per run to gain 3 credits now. Given that the Runner needs the most credits during runs, whatever benefit the ID provides the Corp player is already balanced out. Thanks to RegCap, the Corp is incentivised to keep at least four bad pubs, leading to some really desperate games where the Runner, provided that he is using SMC and Simulchip, is always dealing with more than he would otherwise expect against other IDs. There are, of course, alternative means of handling runs, but the runs themselves, the showcase of the entire game of Netrunner, are what make The Outfit one of best IDs to tinker with.

Thanks, in part, to Santa's deck, I have finally found that Crisium Grid is flexible enough to offer the Corp the opportunity to play lame games against Runners who take making successful runs for granted. Now if there is a means for the Runner to do the same to the Corp beyond Clot....

Worse in a very significant way when compared to the already rare Helheim, BGD requires you to include Vovô and cheap ICE, like Rime. But, if you are already including Vovô, why not just include Helheim and let the former's threat make Helheim a better BGD? Perhaps of some value in Startup, but basically binder fodder in the Standard meta.

Consistently thought of as a mid-tier, if not an outright bad, ID, Thunderbolt Armaments is, in reality, the HB version of Earth Station: SEA Headquarters. Of course, whether Earth Station is a mid-tier ID is, in itself, another conversation to be had, but the idea is the same: tax the runner's first run on a remote. This means that the central servers can be made into money generators, but, when it is time for the pressure, it must hurt and annoy the runner, while not bankrupting you along the way. K2CP continues to let the runner wreak havoc in the current meta's late game (as many, no doubt, say like the runner should), and early pressure is the only viable way of having the credits needed to fight back. Diversification pays, but any tempo hit is going to mean Game Over. Hence, the right response. I don't know about making it work with Reduced Service, but I know there is a viable deck there, perhaps just as inseparable as Vulnerability Audit is from A Teia now. Definitely needs NEXT lockdown to keep your deck viable. On to something less straightforward for me.

One of these days, I shall make an asset grinder deck with this, econ, advancements, and net damage, protect them all with meat damage threat, and throw so many goon squads the runner's way for touching it that he is left cowering for the rest of the game while you calmly win.

Eventually the day will come when Dr. Vientiane Keeling gets unbanned, that very day she'll get a Warm Reception from me. By that time I'll learn if I can rerez her between resolving two "when your turn begins" effects. But even if I can't, my jank senses are still tingling.

Sounds like something really evil is brewing there...