Hawt Andromeda

Tyr4el 7

First deck. Wanted to try it out.

11 Jan 2016 Hapless Hero

Hey there! Your deck looks like it's coming along, but could use some reworking in the icebreaker department.

Two consoles is a bit strange. I'd much rather run 3x Desperado. And 3 copies of every breaker seems like unnecessary influence when you have Special Order. Why not take advantage of Criminal's great in-faction Killers like Faerie and include a few copies of that instead of 3x Mimic?

As for econ, I think Symmetrical Visage is a lot easier to install and find influence for, and 2x of Symm as well as Kati is probably enough. That gives you room for cards like Bank Job and Security Testing. I would cut the Au Revoir and Snitch since you won't have enough memory for that to really take effect.

Now that you have a lot more spare influence I'd look to spend it like this on Icebreakers:

If you really have trouble with net damage, 1x Feedback Filter is fine, though I much prefer to just keep a full hand and draw through net damage so I will leave it out.

You can top that off with:

That's 12 Programs so far, so now add:

Event (14)

Hardware (9)

Resource (10)

There. 45 cards, and 15-3=12 influence (most wanted list). Now get out there and run like a Criminal!

11 Jan 2016 Hapless Hero

Whoops that's actually 15-4=11 influence, so you can cut one Desperado and add one HQI to be MWL-compliant.