I usually slot one of these in my Jinteki decks because I found it very versatile and useful in several ocassions. For glacier or horizontal jintekis. By these days I use it for the following

  • Put a used Snare! in my hand. Install the same snare and an agenda.

  • Make the same trick with an agenda as Fetal AI or Obokata Protocol if I haven't avanced them yet. Or if I have just drawn the Mushin No Shin to play them next turn.

  • Put the Snare in your hand and make your hand more scary. Install ice in other places.

  • Avoid Femme Fatale tokens. Install the same ice or another one.

  • Remove a Mwanza City Grid that has been already useful.

  • Just install scary ice in a remote server with already lots of ice without paying anything.

I haven't tried to export it to other factions yet, but the Jinteki mind games are more difficult to import and with a 3 influence is harder to justify.

Rules doubt.

Does lucky charm also work for any subroutine (for example a wall of static or vanilla)? Or just things that say "end the run" that they're not from the corp?

Are subroutines card abilities?

Yes, that is correct. It can be used against WoS or Vanilla or any other normal (single) ETR sub. —

This is the new Scavenge. Different but simillar.

Posible uses I can think of

-Revamp a program that it's key when it's installed (such as Femme Fatale or Gauss).

-Avoid destroying a program when you're tight on memory (for example, take back a Rezeki when you need the icebreaker)

-Take the discound of a less useful hardware or a used program (Such as Pelangi or Imp) to install the next piece of the suite.

The main difference is that this card goes to your hand so it counts at least to cardboard to take damage or being installed later, but the card can't be used to revamp a used Chisel.

Once you see it you won't be able to unsee it.

There is a minion face in the center of the circle of the illustration.

About the card. Better than Aurora, it's still expensive in the way nowadays these icebreakers are (being expensive for breaking even cheap ice) but you're in criminal, you should have enough money to spend.

It does look like a minion! —
I see it too. How comical. —

Long time no see.

This is written with the meta of the end of Flashpoint cycle, but my personal meta is more reduced since I play with more reduced pool of cards.

Well this is card that, as same as Ash 2X3ZB9CY or Caprice Nisei it makes the runner come again in order to steal agendas.


-Inmune to Rumor Mill since it's not unique.

-Since it's not unique it can stack, but it's only 1 or 2 to the runner to spare.


-You need the runner poor and/or clicless.

Ideas to make it work:

Nowadays it seems that it's impossible to have a runner poor with Temüjin Contract but apart from that card (that I don't have in my card pool yet so I haven't figure how to drive with it) you have several options.

-You take all the money down with a tag and a card. Good ol' Closed Accounts.

-You're Spark Agency: Worldswide Reach so you make him/her lose 1 credit per turn. (with the help of lots of ads)

-You're Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon so they have to pay and pay not to destroy, but to access. (but 2 inf per card is quite too much, maybe)

-You're NBN: Controlling the Message so if they trash they have to pay to avoid the tag.

-You make them lose clics with Ronald Five (expensive in influence but worth it) so they can't run again.

-You may also have some Encryption Protocol to make it more expensive to thrash.

-You may forfeit False Lead. But maybe that card has better uses. (avoiding that the runner takes out a tag, f.e)

-You use biorroid ice, always taxing in clics (in early game)

-Ice that makes the runner lose money, such use Tollbooth or Financial Collapse, even DNA Tracker

-You can use Victoria Jenkins but wow. It's kind of risky.

-As it is said it stacks with other Tolls payed to steal a plan such NAPD Contract or Predictive Algorithm