People seem to be viewing this card very narrowly as a way to pull nasty things into your hand right before a Legwork or Gang Sign hit, and yeah, that's obviously great...but it's not even a fraction of what this card is capable of. Another way to look at Allele Repression is sort of like Project Atlas counters or (more aptly) Project Vitruvius counters - it's instantaneous tutoring that you can use on the runner's turn. Of course it works best when you're exchanging cards you were going to deliberately discard anyway (Space Camp, Shock!, etc) with cards that you want in your hand, but more often you'll just be trading whatever junk that's clogging HQ.
Open your eyes - we're talking flatline combos, we're talking fast advance shenanigans, and of course, swapping agendas back and forth to infuriate the runner. This is not just clunky recursion - this is precise where Jackson Howard is sloppy, and this is clickless and versatile where Archived Memories is slow and extremely limited (it's not actually clickless - it frontloads the clicks and then compresses them when you need to play it, whereas Archived Memories and Interns cost you clicks right when the recursion takes place, which can be extremely inconvenient).
- Can be faked as an agenda in a scoring remote, and then flipped and trashed right before they access it (if it's a naked remote, remember that this will cause the run to be neither successful nor unsuccessful for the purpose of card abilities) (watch out for Drive By)
- Can be a great holder of Tennin or Space Camp advancement counters (often the runner will assume it's an abandoned Project Junebug)
- Can instantly give you back cards that you'd like to play again, without having to shuffle them back in and hope to draw them (Trick of Light and Neural EMP are some solid in-faction targets, but you could also grab currents or econ)
- Because Lukas is an absolute madman, the most recent ruling states that Allele Repression can target itself, so a single copy can recycle itself and be replayed
- The well-documented "my hand is full of Snares now LOL!" play
- The also well-documented 'refreshing' of Industrial Genomics' ID ability
Forget about IG, this is a card that could have a slot in almost every Jinteki deck (maybe even replace a single Jackson Howard with it and free up some influence). It's definitely more expensive than some of the other recursion options out there, but it's quite strong and has broad utility.