Sunny Side Up

gumonshoe 2987

It's basically Kate's Breakfast. Instead of voicepads, I play underworld, which is going to more consistently give basically the same number of credits. The cloud breakers ensure that data folding will probably be on line. There's still a small toolbox, which includes parasite, sucker and clot. There's still a bit of burst with lucky find, laundry and gamble. I've also added 2x infiltration. This card has gained some value in the current meta; and the deck has slots. I could easily see dropping the lucky finds for 2x stimhack and a legwork. Globalsec Security should make multi R&D access less necessary.

17 Aug 2015 FarCryFromHuman

3x Clone Chip seems excessive (the only good targets are Parasite and SMC, with Clot being the exception in some matchups). In the same way, 3x SMC is hogging a ton of influence when you could probably make do with a cheaper tutor, like Special Order. The only reason I see to take SMC over Special Order is the in-run tutoring. Granted, that is a great reason.

It would be really nice to be able to recur your event econ. Trope or LARLA are the obvious plays. In proxy games, I am really liking Trope. The 1 can be tough to come by, but once paid it is so much easier to play than trying to negotiate the massive 5 barrier presented by LARLA. This deck doesn't really have the issue and only has 10 or so targets it cares about recurring outside those lost to damage, so Trope seems really good here.

I wish you could have 4-5x Earthrise Hotel. This deck thrives on it.

Career Fair seems like a near auto-include with your resource suite.

17 Aug 2015 Laxen

Looks like a solid Sunny deck.

Have yo considered switching to any other Console? Like Desperado or Astrolabe? Spinal Modem maybe? ;)

Could make the econ even stronger, and personally I don't think I like the Nexus (with 0 testing that is).

17 Aug 2015 moistloaf

I don't quite understand the benefit of Jak Sinclair without SecTest. Maybe good very early game but once everything is ICEd, you're either gonna be bouncing off ETR or suffering more painful subs. I guess you can always opt to not make the run, but is the card worth the slots?

17 Aug 2015 x3r0h0ur

Jak is good with the console, but seeing only 1 is odd.

19 Aug 2015 gumonshoe

@moistloaf,@x3r0h0ur: it's for naked remotes or bouncing off a central against rp. But I'm not all in on it atm