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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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This deck went 4-1 in swiss and 2-1 in double elimination. 4 of its victories were flatline wins. The ice makes servers irritating to get in to, and the agenda composition and traps give little reward for accesses. Taxing ice on hq means siphons don't earn the runner much, and Private Contracts/Gila/Medical Research/Celebrity Gift let you bounce back immediately after any economic hit, either from rezzing ice or econ denial. Double scorch keeps the runner honest and gives you a meat damage victory avenue with Cerebral Cast and Snare. Cerebral Cast is amazing, but only play it when you can punish them for taking the tag, either by trashing a resource like pro con or kati, or hitting them with scorch. At the tournament, the runner always ended up correctly taking the least damaging option (brain damage when I had a double or single scorch flatline chance or they had a fully loaded kati, tags when I had single scorch but couldn't kill or they had an empty kati) but I was still able to punish effectively by either wiping their hand or trashing resources. The only agendas you care about scoring are gila, house of knives, and philotic, but if the runner gives you a scoring window don't hesitate to rush out the future perfect as jinteki on match point means they've got to run all your shenanigans. In testing I got most of my victories by scoring philotic when the number of agendas in their score area matched their hand size, but at the tournament the runner generally ran out of cards in their deck and couldn't run or score without getting flatlined.
12 May 2014
12 May 2014
I don't think TFP works well in PE, this agenda brings u nothing in PE except saving deck slots .... If u had punitive, that's another story but u run Scorch |
12 May 2014
TFP works in PE because its hard to score from R&D and HQ. And your only installing it and scoring it when you have a large scoring window. Basically it is everything PE wants, since it makes R&D less profitable for the runner. |
12 May 2014
@Dydra. Its not that FP is a card that is going to be scored very often, but it can prevent the runner from scoring and prolong the game. Longer games are almost always a benefit to a flatline jinteki build from my experience. And as you mentioned, in a a deck like this I think especially, deck space is a premium. So you can save deckspace and be able to play some defense, good combo really. |
14 May 2014
is Tori Hanzō really that usefull? she seem very expensive to use and easy to trash |
16 May 2014
Tori works fine with a scored HoK, helps add up the brain damage needed for a flatline. I'd like it on top of a Houksai but anything works really. |
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I really like this style of PE. Very well-balanced.