Noisy Keychain WIP

oryxwild 1

posting for feedback and suggestions

24 Feb 2017 SillySod

Lamprey is fun but not good enough for a 3x include. Wanton Destruction is a sweet card but you should probably bin it. It sets you back almost as much as it hurts the corp (often more) and if you can get into HQ then you have better punishment options (Nerve Agent?). I'd also want to take out Mass Install since it costs 3 clicks - 1 to draw, 1 to play and 1 for the cred and the only benefit is that you get three clicks worth of program installs in one annoying inflexible chunk.

Similar story for Beth. She is solid but noise influence is incredibly tight - there are better options to spend it on.

Try out Scavenge, Cache, Temmy J, Personal Workshop or Clone Chip. Those cards are all amazing - rule of thumb with Noise is that if the card isn't 100% amazing then you shouldn't spend influence to get it.

Other stuff.... Datasucker/Grimoire is arguably a better choice for Noise than Sifr depending on your memory options. Try both and see which you prefer. I'd also switch a Rumour Mill for Hacktivist Meeting to get a feel for which of those helps you out more.

24 Feb 2017 oryxwild

Lamprey is sort of the poor man's vamp in here. It can be an overwhelming card early if I draw multiples, if they don't protect or if I draw eater early. I suppose that probably only works against scrubs though. Datasucker vs sifr... I didn't have the sifr in originally, but high str ice is just overwhelming. I guess datasucker has pretty good synergy with eater. Temujin... yeah.. I guess I just ragea gainst eh meta, but that's probably a good call. Personal workshop is too slow especially when you can't tutor for it. Wanton is an amazing card in the meta, especially with so many combo cards and kill decks, and I think that especially with amped up and eater it makes so many plays possible - 6 clicks, wanton for 4, run archives, etc, etc. Especially with howard rotating out, I'm going to keep it in for now. In the past I ran vamp, I've considered siphon... Also run it with no breakers and just a faust or crpysis, but swordsman and turing and wraparound are all problems... Mass install is decent on noise because I Can mass install tapwrm or lamprey (or datasucker) for a nice archives dip... hmm I'll try out grimoire datasucker isntead of lamprey sifr. Thanks for the advice =D

24 Feb 2017 PureFlight

Overall, seems like your economy is poor. I think in competitive matches you're going to need more money up-front to combat stuff like CtM and defend against tag decks.

Rumor Mill seems good as Jackson hate. Very important for Noise.

The Eater-Wanton synergy is legit, but I'm not sure it's worth it in a Noise deck. I feel like Lamprey is your HQ pressure. Also, you might be trying to do two different things strategically. I could see a Maxx or Kim deck that combined Wanton and Bhagat to great effect. Seems like Noise doesn't synergize with it.

I've seen a lot of horizontal decks recently. I'd love to try out a current-meta Noise with Imps and Gravediggers (sidebar - ParaSifr ice trashes get Gravedigger counters).

Stimhack+Personal Workshop is good together, but not sure I like 3x stims without the shop. You could drop them for something like Sure Gamble, Daily Casts or Human First.

So my changes would be:

Ultimately, I think I'd personally abandon the whole DDoS-Amped Up-Eater-Keyhole thing for a pair of Darwins and a lot of slots, but that's a whole different deck at that point.