A Most Wanted Vendetta

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Vendetta (DLR Siphon Control for Worlds)
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greyfield 3917

I think Vendetta's time has come and gone, but I encountered someone playing the exact 45 on Jnet and figured it was time to give an update for those of you still trying to make this a thing.

Even with the WNP errata, it's still a tremendous pain in the ass to clear Fall Guys once you've been hit with a Siphon, and I think this deck uses Siphon even more powerfully than Minh MaxX, both due to the extra copy and Leela's inherent power . Its biggest shortfalls come from losing the free tempo MaxX and Joshua B. give you to speed up the clock and give your opponent fewer turns to get out of the DLR death spiral.

But the fact remains that Leela makes up for much of that deficit simply through her power. Any corp that wants to win by scoring points has to forfeit at least a click for every agenda scored, and should they choose not to, they run the risk of leaving servers open to plundering and even more damage.

I don't know if I'd call this a fun deck to play, on either side, but it is surprisingly challenging and surprisingly potent.

Running through the changes:

  • DDOS: It's basically a Criminal card - its cost is perfect for Career Fair, it pairs excellently with Inside Job and Account Siphon, and it compounds the damage Leela's ability does. It plays right into Vendetta's classic strategy of building up a pile of threatening tools and telling the corp "If you score, I'm Siphoning you; if you don't score, I'm DLRing you."
  • Mongoose over Alias: Pretty much goes without saying. The latter was never all that good, and against most of the cards that matter, Mongoose is an upgrade.
  • Plascrete: I'm a coward.
  • No Faust? Sadly, the addition of DDOS and the adjustment to the new metagame has made it more important than ever that the deck play a single Deja Vu as a panic button. So even though Faust would seem to work perfectly in the deck, the influence just isn't quite there. Time will tell if you can just trade Eater for Faust or if you really need a card that guarantees access if you have enough cash.

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