Camera Hayley (1st, Auckland Regionals)

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Hayley Spy Camera Bazaar Nonsense.
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Fjord 1799

Slightly modified a list Calimsha gave me, thanks Calimsha.

Camera Hayley is a very unique deck that will reward you for sticking with it. The first day I took it for a spin on I went a dismal 0-5. Decided to give it another shot the next day with this tuned version, 6-0! At Regionals it only dropped one game. A close one against NEH, 5-7, a loss I avenged 7-5 in elimination.

I'd say this deck has a stronger lategame than Noise, which is to say it has about the strongest lategame out there. You'll be sitting on 30 credits with the corp remote and R&D locked, and unkillable with 3 Sports Hoppers.

If you don't have much FA in your meta then +2 Street Peddler -1 Clot -1 Bazaar would be a great way to add some consistency to the deck.

24 Jul 2016 Arkhon

Loving this deck! How does it fare vs. NBN tag? I'm a bit worried that the resources won't last and you'll be vulnerable to Quantum Predictive Model, Restructured Datapool, Aryabhata Tech, Exchange of Information etc. Is this a concern or are those decks not a large enough slice of the meta to be too worried about?

24 Jul 2016 Fjord

The NBN matchup basically comes down to who is faster. In the early game Hayley has basically no credits. NBN can rush agendas, Breaking News, Hard Hitting News or set-up that CTM trace engine. However, if once you go off they're not at match point then your 3 link, 30 credits, clot and R&D lock should be able to close it out.

Since 23 Seconds was not legal for our Regionals I didn't have to face Control the Message or Hard Hitting News. I have faced those on and found the Aryabhata version not too bad as they give you time to set-up.

The two games I did have were very close ones against a NEH Butchershop variety. First game a turn 2 Breaking News took out my Daily Casts to slow me down and I also had to spend a turn playing an early Sports Hopper to respect Scorched. Had to dig through most of my deck to go off and ended up discarding a dozen cards along the way including two Levys. Then Salem's Hospitality picked off the last Levy which was a bit unnerving! Still, eventually went off without about 5 cards left in the deck, had the money and the clot lock. Should have been able to win from there by checking everything he put down but the sneaky devil had an extra undefended agenda on the board from earlier.

Game two I actually ended up going tag-me quite early, think I was down 3-5. I went off once, invested in Sports Hoppers and then went full pressure. Got hit with All Seeing Eye but the tech's work was done. Won with "Freedom Through Equality" when I snagged the Breaking News that I saw go into HQ.

You've raised a great point though @Arkhon this deck is so vulnerable early that many consider it to have a bad matchup against anything fast. I was thinking of experimenting with some dramatic changes. Giving up some late game to decrease early vulnerability and speed up the set-up:

24 Jul 2016 Fjord

The NBN matchup basically comes down to who is faster. In the early game Hayley has basically no credits. NBN can rush agendas, Breaking News, Hard-Hitting News or set-up that NBN: Controlling the Message trace engine. However, if once you go off they're not at match point then your 3 link, 30 credits, Clot and R&D lock should be able to close it out.

Since 23 Seconds was not legal for our Regionals I didn't have to face Control the Message or Hard Hitting News. I have faced those on and found the Aryabhata Tech version not too bad as they give you time to set-up.

The two games I did have were very close ones against a NEH Butchershop variety. First game a turn 2 Breaking News took out my Daily Casts to slow me down and I also had to spend a turn playing an early Sports Hopper to respect Scorched. Had to dig through most of my deck to go off and ended up discarding a dozen cards along the way including two Levy AR Lab Access. Then Salem's Hospitality picked off the last Levy which was a bit unnerving! Still, eventually went off without about 5 cards left in the deck, had the money and the clot lock. Should have been able to win from there by checking everything he put down but the sneaky devil had an extra undefended agenda on the board from earlier.

Game two I actually ended up going tag-me quite early, think I was down 3-5. I went off once, invested in Sports Hoppers and then went full pressure. Got hit with The All-Seeing I but the tech's work was done. Won with "Freedom Through Equality" when I snagged the Breaking News that I saw go into HQ.

You've raised a great point though @Arkhon this deck is so vulnerable early that many consider it to have a bad matchup against anything fast. I was thinking of experimenting with some dramatic changes. Giving up some late game for a richer early game and smoother first pass through the deck:

May look a little crazy but dead draws can lose just as many games as no Clot!

24 Jul 2016 Arkhon

How often do you find you need 2 Atmans?

25 Jul 2016 Fjord

Almost never so I think you could get away with one. Two is nice to ensure you have one in the right place. For example having one in grip or heap if you don't have an SMC. Also if you had to run a big server twice in a turn and couldn't Panchatantra second run.

25 Jul 2016 ANRguybrush

Great deck. I play 1xhostage and a film critic because the biggest problems I encountered with this deck was not getting my tech traders online soon enough and losing to midseason decks because I couldn't deny their agendas.

25 Jul 2016 Pushover

What's your thoughts on Vamp instead of Clot if there is a lower amount of FA? Less consistent than Street Peddler but can match some Sandburg decks, beats Caprice without resorting to PolOp, and just generally limits the corp's position.

25 Jul 2016 Fjord

Vamp would be a good Sandburg answer and I could see that being a big problem for an Atman rig. Could then swap out Pol Op for a Street Peddler as there's a bit of overlap there.

25 Jul 2016 Pushover

My only worry cutting polop is that vamp cannot beat a Nisei mk 2 token, polop can also be put down early if hq is open. I guess it's heavily meta dependent.

25 Jul 2016 Oziride

I was playing this deck until in pur meta arrive the spy camera killer... Targeted Marketing ... then the corp can do any s**t he want

25 Jul 2016 Arkhon

Is Targeted Marketing quite such a problem? Sure, the Corp can have $60 but what can they actually do with that? If you've got them Clot-locked and can always snipe the top agenda then they can have all the money they like - they can't kill you and can't score out. I guess the only cases when it could be a real problem is if they're also packing Sandburg (unlikely) or if they can hit a big Midseason Replacements, but with Film Critic you don't have to worry so much about the latter. I also like that cutting an Atman for a Critic also means you have one fewer card cycling around between LARLAs - that will help the draw efficiency when you draw back up. You also have "Freedom Through Equality" to turn off Corp currents.

Although Vamp doesn't beat a Nisei token, you do effectively have four of them if you can play through the deck enough times.

I think I maybe prefer Dirty Laundry instead of Daily Casts. I think it adds some early game punch and quick economy injection, rather than a couple of extra credits over time which you probably don't need and that are vulnerable to the deck's obvious weakness - i.e. resource trashing.

26 Jul 2016 Oziride

the midseason is the open gate to death... they start the killing (damaging not to death but to trash random levy) and trashing resources... try some game , I've played live and if TM enter too early I've never win. I admit can be a player problem, I'm not so good (never win anything) but on our group we had agree is really bad

26 Jul 2016 Fjord

Yeah those early runs can be pretty dangerous. Daily Casts is significantly stronger economy than DL and can play using Hayley ability. Aesop's could also be solid.

30 Jul 2016 underflow

Why pol op instead of councilman? Councilman still gives an answer to caprice / ash / batty, but it seems like it would be easier to use to prevent a deck shuffle (Jackson after R&D run) than pol op.

31 Jul 2016 Fjord

I think as a remote lock deck this needs to have the hard answer to Caprice. Jackson shuffle is not a big deal on R&D, a random access is fine.

2 Aug 2016 swearyprincess

@underflow If they've a Jackson available, use a camera then make a run even if it's not an agenda - it might get them to pop the jackson, and let you access a different card instead ;-)

4 Aug 2016 scd

Freedom Through Equality is a pretty nice counter to all this Targeted Marketing fear, you know. I've been running 2x in my deck lately and it's not bad.

4 Aug 2016 Fjord

Two VoDs up, top one with commentary and more to come:

31 Oct 2016 killj0y

Could someone take pity on a relative newbie and explain this to me? I have heard about this style of deck on a couple of podcasts but no one has yet explained the combo in any depth.

I see the econ engine of a Haley+replicator feeding spy cams into tech trader + technical writer. Pop all the trashes and levy them back into a relatively thinned deck but is there something i'm missing?

31 Oct 2016 underflow

You pop the trashes once per turn, over 6 turns, so you have a good idea of what's in their hand and know when there's an agenda on R&D. This results in a lot fewer bad runs; almost every run on R&D rewards points, and you can gauge if they're flooded or droughted (i.e., if you should bother scouting HQ with runs).

You might also be missing that bazaar lets you tutor the parts, so you can chain install them all out of your deck. Or you might be missing how crazy efficient the breaker suite is, because they're all disposable; pancha / sharpshooter / deus ex gets you through their nastiest ice on the cheap.

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