To Xibalba?

OneQuarterPower 4

...yes, this entire deck is an obscure Road to El Dorado reference.

Heavily inspired by good Jemison decklists which already exist like Ramp to Mars and 4th Rock Residential. This ID has made me actually enjoy playing Weyland again.

In a successful game, you should be able to FA any one of these agendas in a turn through Jem magic. Stop early flooding and make R&D accesses harder by sending unwanted draws to the spirit world, making your FA dream that much easier to achieve.

Usual plays of Forfeiting into Oberth and other classic Jemison cards for quick scoring apply, as well as forfeiting to advance up some surprise net damage and a potential flatline when you know they can contest your remote.

I run four currents because Employee Strike scares me and drip econ from paywalls is nice. Scarcity's good too, I guess?

MVP of the deck is definitely Trick of Light, which will win you the last few points in that clutch final turn. Double Trick will single turn score an already installed High-Risk Investment, or just outright score a Corporate Sales Team/Project Atlas/Whatever two pointer you put in this thing I don't know.

The Ice suite is pretty self explanatory, advanceables so that trick can do its work, Hortum for AI hate and good etr. Feel free to switch in something else instead of the Spiderwebs, but I've found four credits for two strength and three etr subs is a pretty good deal. Macrophage helps deal with Clot and other annoying viruses.

-Controversial Decisions-

-No False Lead?-

Yes, it gives you amazing click punishment and forfeits itself, but it's still a one pointer that's rotating out. I decided instead to go for a way to set up that combo you wanted in a way that doesn't stop The Danger Zone and Resource Hate from doing their important Jemison work.

-Sacrifice, really?-

I know a lot of people haven't valued this card very highly, but there's two things about it in Jemison that makes me not only want to play it, but bring it back to a two of:

  • Bad Publicity is actually pretty terrible, seeings as it gives the runner free money for that thing that wins them the game. You want to avoid it if possible, but that's kind of hard to do in Weyland Fast Advance. I've found it's best played after your CST is dry and you're looking to single turn score a High Risk Investment, since that knocks two bad pub off instead of the one. Yes, you could sac off that one pointer, but you're Jemison. You'll get those points back.

  • Unlike the vast majority of ways you usually trigger Jemison forfeits, Sacrifice doesn't need anything installed, and you can use it directly from your hand. The only other operation which switches Jem's ID on is 24/7 News Cycle, which costs the three influence you're already spending on those ever important trick of lights. Being able to forfeit an agenda through an operation can save you necessary momentum when your precious oberth gets trashed and you can't afford to wait a turn after FIHPing it back.

-DBS is boring-

Then don't use it? I keep it in for flavour and better flood protection.
Sure, it's a liability for late game agenda density, but you're the corp which naturally thins that out anyway, so that should be less of a problem. Late game, it's been normal to have only five points left in game on two cards out of the 16 left in HQ and R&D, which means even match point gets harder to fish for as the runner. Still, it's the most droppable inf slot in the deck if you want to splash for something else, I guess.

-Honorable Mentions-

  • Mushin would be nice, but your precious agendas should never be down for more than a turn and I have no idea where to squeeze the inf out for it.

  • Public Support gives you more sacrificial fodder to work with, but also needs to be out for a fair while in a secure remote to be scored. It could probably work, but I haven't really experimented with it.

  • IPO is definitely going to replace restructure when rotation happens, but I don't know how fond I am of cheaper terminals, and therefore haven't switched over just yet. Same applies for Preemptive vs Our Lord and Saviour and other rotation related switchups.

16 May 2017 djkokakola


16 May 2017 Cpt_nice

quietly whispers nonononono "To Xibalba!" face palm