COPIUM (2-1, 3rd @ Dublin CO)

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anarchomushroom 922

you could play this exact list in either NEH or R+ and it would be markedly better. It's bladderwort ctm but with a worse ID and more inf. i enjoy asset decks and i enjoy playing assets that people will bend themselves backwards to trash when they shouldn't. this list is fun but not amazing and is almost certainly better out of R+ or NEH but eh, i haven't thought about netrunner in months and i saw someone playing bladderwort in ea on jnet the other day and wanted to do false tempo yellow assets again

L vs Ken (reprise isn't a real card)

W vs Mercury

W vs Arissana

4 Mar 2024 easterncalculus

Spicy, always love to see the new IDs getting some love (hate?). Did you use the epiphany ability much during the tournament?

4 Mar 2024 NotAgain

It me, I bend over backwards to trash assets.

5 Mar 2024 anarchomushroom

@easterncalculus it came up a few times but in practice it's very awkward to use. Wage Workers is honestly a slight nonbo because you often have turns where you have 1 or 2 counters but not enough installables in hand to go install, install, install, EA ability. I also kept missing in person that it triggers on steal in my game vs gerard which maybe would have helped lol

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