unblew2 (won some things i guess)

Jai 2806

This is the Crew Hosh list I brought to the Seattle pre-worlds CO, and more recently the second November AMT, winning both events. The deck name is taken from @Fridan’s excellent Blew Hosh - sorry friendo, green cards might be cringe, but drawing cards in this deck is pretty good!

Some background: in the pre-worlds prep scramble, TAIB (and presumably many other parties) was keeping a close eye on the development of Crew Anarch archetypes, evaluating their viability against the shaper decks we expected to be in mass attendance at the Standard event. We tested the Hoshiko-AgInfusion matchup extensively, eventually culminating in the Tree Line Ag build that several members brought to SF… but that’s another story.

the king, a known shaper unenjoyer, was particularly instrumental in the runner side of this testing, making several tech breakthroughs in the weeks leading up to the event. Some of which we actually ended up using! Point being, we had several in-depth discussions on cards like Laamb and Alarm Clock, many of which I participated in the jet-lagged mornings from the darkness of the McBride residence’s guest room.

[Aside: @maninthemoon and @santa: I don’t know if you’ve considered, but I suspect that if you bug your guest room in the weeks before an event with non-Muntal Bost visitors staying over, you might learn a thing or two! 😉]

[Aside to the aside: THE ABOVE IS NOT A SUGGESTION. Also, I’m sorry about the bedframe… door… thing.]

Anyway. Where was I?

After finally having gotten Swift Lat to a point where I was comfortable enough playing the deck, I was down to field test Crew Hosh (sans tech choices, of course) in enemy territory. But really, the event was more to try out the changes I'd made to my Asa deck, a job which I dismally failed at by completely forgetting to make the slot swaps before I left for the CO. Anyway I won.

Fast forward a month, and I'm bored out of my mind with Lat and looking for something to pair with The Powers that PE - shoutout to @anarchomushroom for championing the deck type and giving me something to crib off of! So I dusted off this thing, made some ill-advised changes to shore up the otherwise (and probably still) nightmarish R+ matchup - -1 Nuka -1 Ice Carver +2 Bahia Bands - and called it a day. Probably should have queued with the very efficient and scary Zombie Freedom instead, but I'm not going to complain about the result!

Since I have you here, I guess I should probably make time to shoutout some of the awesome people I met pre- and post-worlds! (As for the event itself, you'll just have to wait for the Lat writeup, coming soonTM.) In rough chronological order:

Charlie: What a mad lad. Our first meeting with the sign and the Car Boot Incident is etched forever in my memory. Thanks so much for your hospitality!

Abraham: TOs want to be you when they grow up. You're an amazing human being and I'm proud to call you my friend.

Ariel, Nathaniel, Jon, et al: Seattle is a beautiful city, and I can't wait to be back someday. Shoutout to the most terrifying scooter ride of my LIFE

Wenjong: Yall, I dunno if you know, but this guy is funny as FUCK

ctz: 1) legend, 2) pinball, 3) 'they're not brave enough'. We'll see, eh?

kysra: one day we'll find a temperature that both of us can coexist in

Gearjock: Massive ups for coordinating the hike when the rest of us got busy with playing on Sunday!

monde, Styx, Pan, et al: Jai couchsurfs SF, part 1. You lot are all lovely and I don't interact with you as much as I would like.

btgood2me, ddark, thearete: great wings and great chatter - shame I couldn't stay longer!

Atien: Jai couchsurfs SF, part 2: ft. an excellent bike tour and an honestly amazing window view for how shitty the rest of the room was

profwacko, Alex, sohum, xiaat, thearete (again): Special shoutout to this group of sickos who gave enough of a shit to fly out for SG Nats. Appreciate you all deeply.

That's all for now, I guess. Catch yall for Off-Meta Month!

SHAABR friendos

Jai out

23 Nov 2024 Council

Vampire detected

25 Nov 2024 janelancy

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