She's Toxic [4th at NetBrummers Startup 2024]

Zoehope 261

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Toxic? Me?

Typically, I prefer more of a shifty and media-centric Corp but I wanted to do something different with the new rotation in Startup.

So, I thought the closest thing to this was probably shifty and murder-centric. Verdict: PE is pretty toxic.


Poison Paradise

Thanks to the evil Startup list shared and built by HolyMackerel I had some amazing ideas to play with.

I agree that three Sprints are better than three Spins.

You should probably play that list, but hey, you know what?

I got Cloud Eaters and Ms. CaΓ§ador in here, so if you like shiny new toys: you’re very welcome.

Good Things

  1. Charlotte is just good. Get her out in Server 1 and profit. Make the Runner think you’ve done just that and then hurt them instead.

  2. Rezzing Cloud Eater into facechecks, which I had the gratification of doing twice. Highly recommend. It's worth the credit plunge.

Changes I regret:

  1. I made a last-minute decision to swap out what I had as two Urticas for Ronins which I regretted. Ronin didn't see any play, and in hindsight, Urtica's utility even as a minor chaos would have been more fun.

  2. Sisyphus as a one-of seems silly in retrospect too. I think it might as well be MK II or just a good ol’ fashioned Off Off

Future Toxicities

  1. Hokusai Grid
  2. Angelique


Overall thoughts

Jinteki PE is killer in startup at the moment (literally).

It went 2 wins to 1 loss in single-sided. AceEmpress and I played a super tense game at the end of the day. Note to self: I need to get better at understanding Punitive maths.

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I'm glad to exist in a universe in which toxic things get their comeuppance eventually, and I think I deserved it!



It was a super fun day, I so enjoyed getting to run the nets with the Midlands people. Massive thanks to the incredible harmonbee for organising such a fun tournament. Big congrats to Zack for the win!

You can see my other deck from the tournament here, it was equally successful, it is Kenough.