Legality (show more) |
Standard Banlist 24.09 (latest) |
Startup Ban List 24.09 (ignore active date) (active) |
Rotation |
Deck valid after Sixth Rotation |
Packs |
Blood and Water |
Crimson Dust |
Reign and Reverie |
Downfall |
Uprising |
System Gateway |
System Update 2021 |
Midnight Sun |
Parhelion |
The Automata Initiative |
Rebellion Without Rehearsal |
Card draw simulator |
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost |
Repartition by Strength |
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | |||
Birthday Seb (WORLD'S BEST SEB!!) | 18 | 9 | 5 |
Viral Chair Moment | 0 | 0 | 0 |
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Before going on to read the writeup, please listen to this song. It will set the theme for the rest of the writing.
The Last Emperor (Main Title Theme) - David Byrne
Okay. Welcome to Sebastiao. Many people have been trying to get him to work, and I think this is the first functional list - as evidenced by an undefeated Nationals run (4-0). In fact, I will go further. I believe that this style of Sebastiao is the strongest runner in current standard, and also the most difficult one to play. Stay tuned to find out why.
I had of course dabbled with Sebastiao, particularly Class Act Sebastiao, as we all had. It seemed fine, but my personal interpretation of the Sebastiao engine was that you often spend your limited actions moving a Bishop back and forth to move a pawn ahead - a lot of fiddling, not much to show for it. As Jai also says, Seb is hungry for clicks.
On my flight back to Vienna from EMEA, I was lucky to get to hang out with TheRobin, who asked me “Did Unband explore Eye for an Eye Seb?”. No, we hadn’t. But that was a fresh concept.
I didn’t actually end up slotting EfaE in the 1st version of the deck, but I do remember trying it out a bit. Note the thesis and meta spread.Shoutout to SebK as well who asked “can’t we just trash the Cookbook?”. It went out shortly after.
Wanting to try a version with Lago Paranoa Shelter and Bankhar, I went up to 52 cards. I must admit Lago has always scared me a bit since it’s release. It’s a card that goes through the stack quite quickly, and many a Jinteki card have been banned on the basis that “not getting to play your cards is not fun” - why then are we doing this to ourselves? Well, dear reader, we have recursion, we will never be ground out, thanks to the 2 copies of Ashen Epilogue adorning our deck, one of which we can recur with our trusty DJ Steve.
I only have the courage today to slot Lago because QTM did it first, showing me that a deck with sufficient recursion loves to smack its stack into the heap.Jinteki is doing you a favor, no, really.
Oh, and of course the endless Imp + Friday Chip setup also means we are not only grinding ourselves, but the corp as well. This deck was a bit too slow, but the spirit was there.
A first well-rounded version with a positive winrate on Jnet. Much of the inf spend would remain the same for the rest of development.
It is here I should begin to talk about the deck’s engine.
The core of our engine is comprised of Solidarity Badge and Amanuensis. We float 1 tag, get a Ama counter, meanwhile also found a trash to charge Solid Badge, and thus we draw 2 cards at the beginning of our turn. With the cards we draw, along with draws from Lago Paranoa Shelter, we can fuel our Bankhar to break more ice which lets us get more trashes. It is very much an ongoing thing (theme music).
There are many more peripheral moving parts within that engine. Leech enables our ice trashes, and wants central runs, which Imp also does to generate trashes and make the corp take net damage, which in turn protects our comrades via Seb’s 2nd line of text.
‘As an additional cost to trash a connection resource with the basic action, the Corp must trash 1 card from HQ.’
This deck wins games. It’s solid. The long game is strong, and it has plenty of tools (Botulus, Crew, Physarum, Bankhar) to contest early scores. So what’s left?
These versions were attempts at trying out some cards, like Simulchip, and cutting back to a saner amount of cards. Leave this to the historians.
In between I also make a couple of shells trying to slot some cards like Audrey and Consume, but they stop at the conceptual stage. I’m still trying to get used to piloting the deck wholesale, and don’t feel comfortable yet exploring further.
This is the version I end up on for a long time, and doing extensive testing with. I even do a little internal writeup justifying each and every single card in the deck.
This deck works - it really does. I start testing it with London, whose critical eye helps us iron out some inconsistencies. I also start testing it with Aksu, to get some high quality PD games in as a litmus test for speed. I believe Seb ended up going 10-1 against it, with the one loss coming from a Mavirus flatline, giving us the following gem.
There was also a beautiful in-joke that blossomed from this testing, where Aksu remarked that every time Arruaceiras Crew trashes an ice, what really happens is that the ice ‘joins’ the crew. Tatu Bola - join the crew. Now also with complimentary eyebrows.
Join the Crew - Aksu “Quagsire” LeMonstre
It is at this juncture that I decide to run a conspiracy: The Sebtember Conspiracy. Conspiracies are a bit like testing groups, but short-lived, focussed on developing a particular deck, invitees hand-picked with something to contribute to a particular idea. Since the Cafe at the End of the World (aka Unband) had largely become empty, I needed a new host of conspirators to plot a meta upset with. Luckily, many highly powerful actors quickly agreed, and soon we had an international network of connivers at the ready to develop and unfurl the conspiracy of Sebtember.
Ver. 1.98 sees a brief dance with Audrey and God of War. The change that ends up sticking is Ver 1.99, swapping a Chuck Tingle for Backla-B.
Physarum is a great card that fits into our overarching theory of being able to contest early, but adding Baklan as a ‘4th’ copy of Crew ended up winning out, quickly convincing me in play. The theoretical get of Praxising back Physarum just didn’t feel as smooth in practice, whereas Baklan actually felt really smooth with how the rest of the deck plays. Shoutout to [[[[[DATABASE ERROR - NAME NOT FOUND]]]]] for stimulating discussion towards Baklan - it was a card I was entertaining at the very inception of the deck, but it was it’s excellent suggestion that made me actually slot it and test it out - and it played great! Big thanks to lei.
We give God of War one more try in Ver. 2.0 - in theory the optionality of taking a tag is appealing, and Aumakua v. GoW break in very similar ways in this deck, but this version also doesn’t quite pan out and so we drop it for now.
We fork back to earlier versions with Ver. 1.9845 which is essentially what The King wants to do with the deck, and eerily similar to how the deck ultimately ends up - barring the Baklan and the 2nd copy of Devil Charm. It goes to show how good Brandon is at building big Anarch decks.
I meanwhile fork back to Ver. 1.987 , acknowledging that we could do with a bit more econ - I add the third FoaF (or Friendo). Note I cut any Devil Charms in this version.
This changes in Ver 1.999 - I go back up to 2 copies, cutting a Leech for it, as well as the 3rd copy of FoaF. Devil Charm is good in the AGInfusion Matchup, letting you trash an Anansi at instant speed.
After [Name: Not Found] kicks my ass one too many times with Asa Grupp, I decide it’s time to slot a 2nd Miss Bones as a meta call, finally cutting the Ashen EP package. Some people play Nuka in this inf slot, but I hark back to the very beginning of this writeup - Seb is very click hungry - Nuka is a lot of clicks, and we have good in-faction draw.
And this brings us to where we’re at today:
Deciding that the meta is very fast, I cut the last copy of Labor Rights in favor of a 3rd copy of Foaf and a 2nd copy of Hannah. I end up ruminating on a 3rd copy of Devil Charm for the AG MU on the tournament day, but ultimately decide that a 50/50 matchup is acceptable.
So with this in mind, the deck is complete. The 2nd Miss Bones is a meta call in my view, and you could spend that influence on other very good card if you expect less assets. My theory was that Miss Bones lets you wrangle down asset decks immediately, before they can grow out of control.
What are we trying to do? Well, in essence we are interested in destroying the means of domination, that is, taking away the corporations wincon. The goal insofar is not to win the game, but to make it such that the corp has no more way to win the game themselves. In kink terms, we are interested in pummeling our opponent into submission and gaining a concession by means of lack of chance to win the game. This will look different depending on the type of corp we are playing against, but will usually involve trashing cards out of HQ with Imp.
Up against PD? Hard lock the remote via ice destruction and trash any Seamlesses you see out of hand.
Playing against meat damage-based kill? Trash their operations while finding your copy of Jarogniev Mercs.
Playing against a deck that punishes you for scoring agendas? Trash their cards. :) Imp their agendas. Don’t feel obliged to take steals you don’t want to, although threat 3 for Praxis is of course great.
In a lot of ways, this is where the other half of the difficulty of playing this deck comes from. The better you understand the corporations gameplan, the better you can dismantle it, piece by piece. We are constantly balancing the idea of operating our infernal machine, and pondering which move would hurt the corporation the most.
This is a very similar idea to another one of the best decks in the current meta - Sokka’s boring Lat. But whereas that deck feels like operating a scalpel to use your precision tool in the exact way you need it to to undo your opponents plan, this deck just throws a plethora of its many solutions to whatever problem the corp presents you with, adding an element of unpredictability. Thus, we also need an appetite for chaos and its proper management when playing this deck.
Augustus, Brandon, koga - these are not the only geniuses working tirelessly in the lab to restore Mulch, a beautiful, oversized Anarch deck recurring programs at instant speed to ruin to corp’s life. Unlike their approach at Necromancy, however, we took a different approach, choosing to mulch all the other runners, and infusing the dead body of mulch with new nutrients.
What do I mean by this? Well. We infuse Maxx: We mill ourselves for value, and then recur milled cards - our heap is like a 2nd hand.
We infuse Geist: We can very unexpectedly get into remotes that corp was sure we weren’t getting into - Praxis and Hannah do a lot of work here.
We infuse Liza: We draw 2 cards off of tags we take, with a side of Hayley; clicklessly installing our cards from hand while we’re at it.
Thus, the ghost of Mulch is reborn - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.
Sadly, I don’t expect many people to take this deck to worlds. It has a very steep learning curve, and it took me 50 games until I stopped being afraid of every little thing that could go wrong when playing it, and began to trust and believe in the deck. I think anybody who wants to take it would need to play 70-100 test games with it to become comfortable with it, which just seems unrealistic a time frame for the <2 weeks we have left. But if someone were to do well with it, it would make me very happy indeed. :)
For getting in the spirit of the deck:
“Don’t give it to me easy - I like a little challenge. Winning feels better when you take a little damage. Slow burning, fast earning, wheels turning - it’s an ongoing thing.”
”Tell me what I cannot do”
For playing the deck:
-silence- (piloting the deck is hard enough as is)
DM me on discord if you’d like some replays of the piloting of the deck. I feel much of it is bound up in tacit knowledge that feels difficult to put into words, and many lines are highly contextual.
That’s all there is to it. Please enjoy the strongest, spicyest runner in the current meta.
6 Oct 2024
6 Oct 2024
Solid writup. Looking forward to playing this bad boy & of course - congrats on winning IT Nats! |
6 Oct 2024
I'm so happy to see a good Seb deck emerge. This thing is hard to play as and against, and you did a great job realizing that 59 cards and an ambitious core engine could actually make sense here. I don't know what possessed you to cut the labor rights (my preferred cuts are a wheels and imp instead) but it worked out, no doubt due to your mastery of the deck. |
7 Oct 2024
PRAXIS ☭ Really loving this shell. And congrats on taking the italian crown <3 |
7 Oct 2024
Hell of a powerhouse, but man this is hard to pilot! Congrats on the result again :) |
7 Oct 2024
"Did I hire a clown to pilot my deck!?" will go down as one of my favorite lines ever. Love you and congratulazioni dear friend <3 |
7 Oct 2024
7 Oct 2024
Can't be overstated how much you had a hand in honing the deck into what it is today. Cutting Labor Rights is probably incorrect, as you say. For the Italian Meta I was concerned with the speed of the fastest corps (PD and Azmari) so I figured having faster cards mattered more than recursion. I still think as the meta slows down (or rather if), the entire Ashen EP 2 LR package could make it back in. Refuelling your running Bankhar engine is quite good. |
7 Oct 2024
Danke my friend. Wish I had had the courage to take it to German nats, but I'm glad I had a bit more time to praxis beforehand.
Ohh yess - but I'm sure the TAI-B contingent will figure it out.
:D :D :D Iconic Netrunner moment for sure. Watching you struggle through the lines made me realise just how wickedly complex the whole thing really is. |
7 Oct 2024
I am still a massive labour rights disbeliver. Its 59 cards already recursion that goes into the deck is goign to be so inconsistan. |
7 Oct 2024
I'm on my 14th iteration of Seb and I've tried so many wacky combos, Khusyuk with lots of 2 cost cards being the most desperate, but this looks incredible. |
9 Oct 2024
Awesome writeup! So interesting to see how this deck developed over time to end up where it is now, wow. Also, nice to learn something of Viennese artists as a side benefit :D |
9 Oct 2024
this deck fun as hell. Against a Standoff, threw most of my board into the trash to prevent the credit gain, probably not the right call, but i was able to rebuild on tempo and the ob Was Not. Another game, threw most of my hand at a bankhared Anansi and didn't mind it one bit. Just when you are about to run out of gas you win the game |
10 Oct 2024
Only change I’d make is cut a Miss Bones for 2 Bahia Bands so I’m justified in listening to Baianá on repeat while playing this |
11 Oct 2024
I also wanted some Bahia Bands's in for thematic purposes, I'm not sure if any of the versions show but I tried running 2x for a while in the 2x inf slot. Something I realised is that you probably don't want to depend on a successful run to clear tags, since having a tag is when your Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga engine is gonna be potentially offline, meaning it's harder to guarantee a successful run. Also Bahia isn't more efficient at clearing a tag than the basic action card, we just get a potential upside of a. drawing cards, b. trashing cards with a trash cost or c. installing something clicklessly from hand at a discount, none of which are really exceptional enough to warrant spending influence on. So ultimately we have to be Bahia'ing in spirit, not in cardboard. |
12 Oct 2024
Very cool list of course I’m a huge fan 🤩 wonderful write up! Congratulations on your win! |
14 Oct 2024
Awesome deck. Really makes me happy that you believe in the Amanuensis + Badge core! |
15 Oct 2024
eyy ty! I'm pretty curious what Pinsel would say about this deck, it feels like something he'd pilot pretty well |
19 Oct 2024
Great deck! Did you think of including Stargate? (I admit it will take a few more cards for RAM, but in this deck this should not be an issue and cards like T400 Memory Diamond will actually ruin some tag-n-bag and other kill lines as well...). That should ensure that as long as RND is runnable, one trash per turn is ensured, causing the core engine to fire at full speed! |
28 Oct 2024
David Gannon
Der Kaiser Sebastião is a captivating exploration of themes like identity and power! The narrative intricately weaves together historical context and personal stories, much like playing wordle unlimited, where each guess reveals deeper connections and insights. |
7 Nov 2024
Der Kaiser Sebastião is a fascinating historical figure whose mysterious story has intrigued many for centuries. Speaking of mystery and adventure, if you’re looking for something thrilling to dive into, moto x3m is a fantastic game! |
11 Nov 2024
Love this list! As a newish player, any chance I could see some replays of how you pilot the deck? |
16 Nov 2024
As much as I know the deck looks like we've just added cards without much thought every single card needs to be justified. T400 Memory Diamond doesn't improve a MU we aren't already winning in my estimation. I've ruminated on Stargate for a long time. There's a lot of pros and cons and I don't think it's strictly wrong to include it but it does come with a real cost you have to respect, it's not smooth. Still, if it works for you, more power to you. It definitely has potential. |
11 Dec 2024
First of all, thanks for the really novel and fun deck! It feels good to be doing well with a deck right now that doesn't play Trick Shot. I've played just over 30 games with the deck now and figured I'd share my changes for your consideration. I certainly wouldn't assume I know better at this point, but have just made adjustments based on my personal experience and thought it couldn't hurt to share while I was thanking you for the deck. -2 Miss Bones +2 Scrubber +2 Diesel +1 Valentina Ferreira Carvalho I'm embarrassed to be at 62 cards relative to your 59, but I wasn't comfortable enough cutting anything yet. Maybe a Leech? They've mostly been so-so, but with Moshing it's a small cost. I really have no idea. As for why I made these changes - in your write-up you said you didn't really feel the need for additional draw, but that didn't really mirror my experiences. By the midgame you frequently don't need additional draw, but I found that I did need to click for card draw significantly more frequently than most other Runner decks in the first 50% of games. I tried Nuka but she was too slow and click-intensive, as you said. Diesel has been a welcome inclusion, on the other hand. And I haven't felt that the cost of Scrubber over Miss Bones has been very high. It's really important to keep the Solidarity chain going, and Scrubber also being free credits to trash in HQ and R&D matters often enough (Imp is great but not enough alone for the draw engine), especially as opponents will typically stop giving you free installed assets to trash when you have Miss Bones or Scrubber installed anyway. It's certainly worse for burst trashing, but against decks where that would matter like against Prison R+, I've felt the matchup is already strong enough. And then I put in a second Valentina just to find it earlier. It's a card I wanted to by about 1/3 into the game pretty much every time and it's also a frequent trash target for opponents (and I'd rather be getting back Crew or Fenris with Praxis). |
12 Dec 2024
This is really interesting - I'll have to think about it a bit. I've been really temped by Scrubber, with my reason for sticking with Miss Bones over it being that it's often very powerful to just plop down MB and trash all the assets in a turn. Scrubber paying for cards you access on central servers is quite nice though. I can see the 2nd Valentina being nice, I can also see the Diesels doing work. I'll have to test this myself. With the banlist and everything it feels like high time to go back to a conceptual drawing board of understanding the state of the meta and adjusting the Seb to that. Thank you so much for taking the time to write your considerations. :) Giving me much to think about here. |
14 Dec 2024
I gotta say, from observing others play this deck, that this rings true. There have been points in games, where we just pray we top-deck the right card. Otherwise, it's credit-clicking time. |
19 Dec 2024
Really inspiring deck and discussion! How do you feel about Audrey instead of/in addition to turtle? And what about 1x eye for an eye? Overkill? I do like the look of some diesels in this list, for sure. |
19 Dec 2024
Although more events have the unfortunate side effect of increasing the whiff rate of The Price. |
20 Dec 2024
Hm. I think Freedom Khumalo: Crypto-Anarchist is probably the best home for Audrey builds - for Seb it just makes the purge plays too impactful, plus because you're bound to Amanuensis you've only got 5 mem to play with, so 2 mem programs become a bit tricky to field. Also keep in mind we're not strictly relying on drawing our AI breaker anytime early. 1x Eye for an Eye - what for? Trash theory? Can be decent, but ehh. We have better things to do on an HQ run. Same problem with Diesel, I think it's just Nuka most likely - unless I find a better way to spend inf. |
26 Dec 2024
This deck is incredibly sick - played it for about 30 games so far. In light of the recent bans and the meta shifts that are happening, have you got any thoughts on slots that could change? It's been feeling in a lot of my games like my recursion is just barely enough for the long games (while handily crushing the opposition on jnet), especially if Lago mills more than 1 of the praccesses, so I'm tempted to try and fit the 2xLR+ashen back in for comfort if nothing else, but none of the cuts feel good to be making. Particularly concerned about NEH if I drop a Miss Bones/Hannah. |
6 Jan 2025
I just played your deck at NY Showdown, going with it undefeated 5-0, and I must say: I love it. I did question Jarogniew and MB, but in current meta, they were essential for the win. |